
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

To The Class Of 2013

Many of you are at Disneyland right now enjoying the most exhausting night ever.  Have fun and be safe.

Last night was such a joy to see you graduate.  I have had the pleasure of teaching you for the last two years and watching you grow as creative, kind, intelligent, funny young men and women.  How many people have that opportunity.

When I first started at SCS I did not know that 90% of you would be international students, many in your first year in America and English class.  After my first week I quickly was aware that I needed to change things up a little.  You were gracious as I figured out what to teach and were excited (at least you pretended to be) about all the books we read and the projects we did. 

We had our ups and we had our downs, who knew assigning an essay to explain your senioritis would cause such an outburst?!  Even though I hope you remember the lessons about injustice, faith, literature, and life skills,  I am well aware that the things you will remember are the times you felt loved and special.  When I look back at my high school experience I can not tell you what I learned on a certain day, but I can tell you the stories that made high school both amazing and terrible.  When I think about the class of 2013 here is what I will remember. 

Ani aka Red Onion and her amazing humor and "your mom" jokes and her reaction when she is called Red Onion or Miss Anthrope

Sharon C. and her lovely piano playing and missing school every block day :)

Grace C.'s love of legos, new Justin Beiber hairdo, and the look on her face when I told her she was missing choir rehearsal last week.

Lucy and her shortness, blaming her for everything that went wrong, and her gangster ways. 

Sensei and his ability to be a Meng shen. 

Melissa always rolling her eyes at Eric when he says crazy things like "I think I am going to end up like Gatsby."

GG and the fact that her name is GG.  

When Tiffany's name was called as Valedictorian and her expression was a beautiful mix of joy, surprise, and terror.

All the times that Michael saved my life.  My favorite was when I almost fell down the bleachers and he caught me!  Also the fact that he can not touch his elbows together because he is so buff. 

When we read about how Thoreau wore a green jacket all the time and then everyone looked at Kev and called him Thoreau. 

Rita L and her ability to make a noise that communicates a thousand words. 

William and his subversive way of selling out his friends.  For a year and a half I thought he was the nicest boy in the group.  I was wrong :)

When Min High said he didn't think it was important for his future wife to have an education or a job, she is a girl after all. 

All the times Danny fell asleep. 

All the times Kun forgot something, like showing up to school. 

When Yong was a gangster.  "Here is five dollars bring me ten dollars change!"

Aaron's divine ability to overreact, sing, dance, and be a cute iguana. 

Henry S. and his stories about his mom and his amazing observations on life.  Also the time he connected every book we read with this statement: "I think all the books we read are about losing something: The Crucible is about losing your name, The Great Gatsby is about losing hope, Of Mice and Men is about losing a dream, and Fahrenheit 451 is about losing knowledge."

Ryan and his shoes.  Who else could wear spiky shoes and look so cool and relaxed?

Ben and his shortness, laugh, and look of "who me?"

The Vivi told me on the first day of school that she was the queen.  

Tony and his smile everyday. 

All the times Kaohai opened the door for me and the way he was the most gentlemanly student I have ever met - keep it classy man!

Yip Yip and the time she said that Ben should get a doll to be his girlfriend. 

Jackie C and the fact that his name pretty much makes him a kung fu legend. 

Mr. North Dakota and his orange permed hair, what a man!

Mike and all the times he fell out of his seat laughing in class. 

Kobe Lover and the times she would laugh when I called her that. 

The awkward questions Henry K. would ask in class and the time he thought I said "cutest teacher" when I said "cutest t-shirt."  That was an awkward conversation. 

Maria and all the songs we could sing about her name. 

CP and his picture with blondish hair and pink sheets. 

George and all his questions.  I mean ALL his questions. 

Jamilo and his better than you attitude, underneath it all was just love for everyone. 

Rannie and her ability to laugh at every situation. 

Yi and his effervescent joy. 

Eddie's glasses.

Tianhao's British accent. 

The time a huge bug flew into Claire's hair and she calmly let Yong kill it. 

The time Ashley asked me if I was in drama in high school because I was so dramatic. 

Vivian and her scramble every class period to finish her work on time and somehow being able to do it. 

Gangster Sam and his ability to finish any song that I started to sing. 

When Suji would yell at everyone!  And her amazing art ability. 

Sammy when she fought me for the foam noodle at Spiritual Explosion camp. 

Loring.  What more do I need to say? (safe and sound)

All the books Mandy borrowed from me. 

Terry and all her nicknames.  My favorite was when we read a love poem about a woman names Stella and she wanted that to be her name so people would think the poem was about her. 

Mavis and her amazing creative ability with the magazine, newspaper and commercial. 

Rita Y. I know way to much about you, but girl I love your ability to make people laugh and feel uncomfortable at the same time.  

Charlie and the times she poked my cheek. 

Adam and his ability to laugh at my jokes and ask the most insightful questions. 

Marlise's red hair and face when I sang "Weeeee are never getting back together."

I love you all so much.  Thank you for your grace and love when I was not the best English teacher you ever had.  Thank you for the respect you showed me and each other.  Thank you for drive and ambition.  Thank you for begging for higher grades, more tests, and homework.  Thank you for loving each other for who they are.  Thank you for making SCS a place where you are safe and free to find yourself.  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for the laughs, tears, challenges, and memories.

I hope and pray that you will continue to grow in who you are and your academic abilities.  I wish you all the best as you move on to college, the military, or work.  I am always here to cheer you on in your life and to support you.  By the way this post was so hard to write because i am still not ready to say good bye to you all!

love! Tom Tom

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