
Monday, June 17, 2013

Bachelorette Link Up 4

So I have been a little critical about the Bachelorette this season. I have also been trying to be lighter this week. So I will do my best to blog from happiness instead of cynicism. However, there are still some silly parts of the show that I have to mention. 

I will say that Des usually seems like an easy person to talk to and have conversation with. That said Brad's date was fun at the beginning but painful at the end. I feel bad that she made that poor, silent man climb a million stairs just to dump him. Why the stairs, producers?  Why the stairs?  What if he flung himself down in desperation?  Lawsuit, anyone?

Then the group date. Oh the Mr. Universe or whatever it was. It was cute and actually more fun than most of the group dates. It was fun to see the guys have a little bit of fun out there.

My standouts. 

Brooks -  he was funny, self deprecating, and took it all in stride, how many guys can say that they broke a ukulele?

Zak W. - he could sing!  Not too shabby buddy

Whoever said that guys have insides too and he was tired of being seen as a piece of meat. Too funny and awkward. 

The next one on one date with James. I will just say this, if a guy tells you he has cheated you should probably cut him loose. There is no way to know that he won't cheat again, this time on you. 

I was so surprised that they actually did something somewhat real on the show with the Hurricane Sandy footage. Either des and James had no chemistry or someone over there is a little deep. 

How many private concerts can this show have in one season?  This is the concert I would have loved to be at though. I saw Darius at stagecoach this year and it was by far one of my favorite concerts. 

Alright, that is all I have for tonight. I am off to listen to Darius and enjoy Hawaii! 


  1. your recap gave me a little chuckle! Thanks for linking up this week, I was excited to host! I think James needs to go!


  2. That Brad date was sooo painful to watch at the end. I don't know about James - I wouldn't be so forgiving of him being a cheater!

  3. Thanks for hosting and your chuckles! :)

  4. Loved the recap. I'm not sure I would be so willing to give James a second chance. Something is definitely off about him. But i do agree that the pageant group date was awesome

  5. Totally agree girl! I am hoping for a G Bye to James next week.
