
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hoppin' On Board The Kind Of Girl Train...


I am the kind of girl who...

- joins a link up two days after the rest of the world did #YOLO

- hates the phrase YOLO

- really thought it was cool that The Flying Tomato, Shaun White, had a trick in the Olympics called a YOLO with some numbers after it.

- was once eating dinner in a park and a gang fight broke out and as she was running to her car looked at her friend and said YOLO

- will stop coming up with YOLO facts

- wears a Great Gatsby t-shirt with pride even though she isn't teaching American Lit this year.

- is going to stop making this list and is going to tell you about about her day yesterday.

Yesterday, I took Penny to Doggie Day Camp at Pet Smart while I was at work. Yes, I know that it is a little silly, but Penny is spoiled and I don't care, she is the happiest little girl ever.  I took her to Day Camp because she was attacked at the dog park the day before and I didn't want her to be traumatized for too long.  She needed good socialization with dogs that don't bite and I knew PetSmart was a good, safe place for her to be.

The day went great and according to the fine people at Day Camp she made lots of friends and now has a best friend named Jasmine, how cute is that.

I came home and she was pretty tired from all the playing so I took her on a short little walk around the neighborhood to get out of the house for a few minutes.

Thus begins the narrative portion of this blog post.  The names of the people have been changed, but the story is 100% true.

We were about halfway through our walk when a little dude passed us on his evening run.  Which is totally normal the street is quiet and lots of people walk their dogs, run, or take evening walks on that street.  He passed by and yelled "HI!" and kept running.

I said hi back to be nice and thought nothing else of it.  Then a minute later he turned around and ran back towards us.

"Hey, I have to ask you, where did you get your sunglasses?  Are they vintage?" - Running Man

"Um... What?  No.  They are just from Target." - A confused Erica

"Oh really?  They look like they are vintage. Are you sure you didn't buy them from like a vintage store?  They look like old cop glasses, like from that show CHiPS." - Running Man who watches shows from the 80s.

"Nope, they are just $12 sunglasses from Target." - Erica who is over this conversation

"OK cool, well I should keep running, but first I have to ask you another question.  What is the difference between being in love and just loving someone?"  -Running Man that suddenly fell in love with Penny, or maybe Erica.

"I don't know." - Erica who is so tired of men falling in love with her all the time.

"Well you see I had a friend who broke up with his girlfriend and he told her that.  Then another friend was dumped by his girlfriend and she told him the same thing and I am trying figure out what they mean. It is really important to me." - Running Man who can not handle the complexities of love.

"I think they just mean they like, or love, the person, but they do not want to commit to them for the rest of their lives." - Erica who "gets love."

"Wow! You are right. I can tell you are perceptive and wise." - Running Man speaking words of truth.

"Hey I can see you are wearing a ring. Do you wear a lot of rings?" - Running Man who is now Walking Man.

"Yes all the time I never stop wearing rings." - Erica who knows her turn is coming up and just wants to make this conversation as ridiculous as possible.

"Cool.  Like on all your fingers. Do you wear rings on all your fingers? Even your middle and index finger?" - Running Man who was going to buy Erica an engagement ring for her thumb.

"If the ring fits." - Erica who has become feisty as her turn is fast approaching.

Walking Man and Erica now come to the point in the road where Erica was to turn left and Walking Man was to continue running straight.  The air was full of sadness.

However, a Jeep pulled up with two guys and a puppy.

"Hey do either of you know who this dog belongs to." - Jeep man with a dog in his car.

Erica checks to make sure Penny is still attached to her leash. "No I have never seen her." - Relieved Erica who still has her dog

"We found her running in the street and we didn't want her to get hit by a car or eaten by a coyote tonight.  Here is my contact information in case you hear of a family missing their dog." - Jeep man gives out business cards.

"OK will do.  Good bye." - Erica who contemplates going another way for her evening walks with Penny from now on.

This concludes the narrative portion of the story.

- I am the kind of girl that wears a Gatsby shirt which causes men to fall in love with her and buy her thumb engagement rings and rescue dogs while walking around her neighborhood.



  1. What a creepster! I would have totally mased him or not - was he hot?

  2. I love this!! Hahaha, I am so glad that I found your blog so that I could follow all your witty and wonderful posts. I also really want your Gatsby tshirt....where can I find that?!

  3. Ok this was hilarious!!!! I thought weird sh*t like that only happened to me!!!!

  4. ps I want an thumb engagement ring too.

  5. bahahahaha. love this.

  6. HAHA! No he was nowhere near hot! He was a pudgy little college student. I took compassion on him and I knew I only had about two minutes worth of sidewalk left to talk so I thought I would just go with it. I knew all the escape routes if he got creepy too.

  7. Gosh it is a cray cray world out there girl!

  8. Well thank you so much! I will find out where the shirt came from, it was a gift. I will get back to ya!

  9. HA! I want one as big as Kim K's that would be soooo classy!

  10. LITERALLY had me laughing out loud at my desk! “Yes all the time I never stop wearing rings.”

    Holy cow that was great.

    Danielle @ Allusional

  11. I just really wish we were best friends. This cracked me up: Erica who is tired of men falling in love with her all the time. Also, I'm joining that link up party way late, like as in tomorrow or Monday, because #YOLO. Also because I can think of nothing to say yet for the link up.

  12. Ashley @ Married to the GameFebruary 21, 2014 at 3:21 AM

    Hahaha this is funny! I hate the term YOLO too and my fiance thinks that he's funny when he says it to me. Have a great weekend!

  13. Wow.. what a strange story! And Doggie Day Camp sounds awesome-- I wonder if they would let Rob go?

  14. When I read stories like that, it makes me realize that I'm not as much of a people person as I think I am. Weird guy! Also, I love that you took your dog to puppy daycare. I kinda want to send Bandit now.

  15. hahaha!!! Oh man, that enitre conversation was just crazy!

  16. Girl we are friends! Just dont tell anyone about me and say my "online friend" that doesn't go over so well. YOLO post when you feel like it !

  17. YES! that is my goal when I write a funny post: Make my blog friends laugh out loud at work! Thanks girl!

  18. HA! Day camp is every dog and boys dream come true!

  19. I use it to be funny never to be for reals. It has a place in life, i guess

  20. Agreed! I was looking for Ashton K to see if I was being Punked !

  21. HA! I just let it keep going because I was sure I would get some good material for it! Doggie camp is a nice treat now and then on days I cant go home and walk Penny during lunch. She loves it!

  22. Oh my gosh, Penny's little report card is too cute!! And you must be super sweet to carry on that conversation with that dude for so long! I think Chicago has ruined my small talk with strangers. *eyes down, quick pace, ignore all contact*

  23. ok that was totally weird. Penny was supposed to be your bodyguard! Where was she the whole time when you needed her!

  24. Aww, I was hoping he was good looking, but then I saw your answer below. But really you should have taken him aside and told him those lines aren't going to work for anyone. Poor guy.
    Go Gatsby shirt!

  25. I am not sure if I am sweet or not. I could tell it was going to be good. I usually just walk away but he seemed harmless!

  26. If only. I felt bad for him but not bad enough to try and help hi. oops!

  27. Penny is the WORST guard dog ever! She just make friends.

  28. That has got to be the most random encounter ever. I kept reading and reading for the part where he asked your number, his lead up to it was something else!

  29. I kept waiting for something to happen to, but it didn't. Sorry for the build up to nothing! haha!

  30. Part of me wanted you to keep going with the YOLO facts, just because YOLO

  31. […] and turned around to talk to us about relationships and thumb engagement rings?  No?  Well click here it is a […]

  32. HAHA! I have a new one. After my mom read this post she said "Poundsign Y O L O." She is cute.
