
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

True Love Is... A Valentine's Day Contest

Wow it is already February 6th!  Where have the first five weeks of the year gone?  In case you couldn't tell by all the blogs dedicated to buying the perfect gift for your spouse, significant other, pet or yourself, Valentine's Day is just a short 8 days away.

I went shopping at the Brea Mall last weekend when I had the most genius thought for a Valentine's Day contest on my blog.

The thought struck me as I was walking through the food court yearning for a Cinnabon, which I resisted thank you very much!  There is a Mongolian BBQ stand and I thought to myself:

I really love Mongolian BBQ

Why don't I eat Mongolian BBQ more often?

Whoever takes me to Mongolian BBQ really will have to love me because my noodle to meat ratio is not normal. Erica loves her carbs and veggies!

True love is when a strapping young man when he takes me to Mongolian BBQ and does not judge my noodle to meat ratio.

And so was born the True Love is.... contest.  The truth is love is different to every person and we all experience love differently. Shout out to the love languages book!

I thought it would be fun to hear what you think True Love is and then make you compete for a prize to determine the best completion of the phrase True Love is...

True Love

How it works. 

- For the next three days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) complete the sentence True Love is...  in the comment section of the post.

- You can write something sassy, something sweet, something quirky, something that will make us cry.  Whatever you think is true love or is true love according to you.

- It can be about romantic love, love for a child, a pet, a friend, a country, a movie the sky's the limit.

- Keep your entry to 1-2 sentences in length.

- One entry per person/blog

- You can tweet your answer to @ericajacquline or leave it in the comments of my instagram post @ericajacquline

- I will compile the whole list and a link to the blog of the person who entered it and you can vote for your favorite on Monday - Thursday next week.

- I will count the votes (actually a Google form will count the votes) and I will announce the winner on Valentine's Day!

What you could win:

- A $25 gift card to Victoria's Secret because true love is buying five pairs of new panties, a new pair of PINK Sweatpants, or I guess the other things they sell there too.

- A button to put on your blog so everyone can know you are the True Love Expert of the world.

True Love WInner

And now Pink will sing us off, really I could have just listened to this song and had the same idea.

Comment below for your chance to be entered in the contest to win the $25 Gift Card to Victoria's Secret.


  1. Love is being helplessly and deeply devoted to the person
    that you want to spend the rest of your life with… feeling that you want to be
    with them for rest of your life and that they are the greatest gift that God
    ever gave man. Love is thinking of this person and losing your breath while
    feeling butterflies in your stomach and getting goose bumps all over your body…
    with an uncontrollable smile on your face that nothing can break. It’s the
    feeling of the sweetest dreams and being together forever without anything ever
    coming between you two, spending the rest of your days side by side. Love is
    not being able to think of anything or anyone other than each other for
    eternity and never being able to imagine yourself being able to function
    without that person in your world—because they encompass your existence.

  2. True love is cooking a meal you don't even like that much just because it's the other person's favorite, and washing the dishes afterwards.

  3. True love is.... caring for whatever their significant other cares about. Even if it's something that he/she doesn't want to care about, knowing and understanding the compassion their lover has for that one thing and respecting it.

  4. cleaning your dog's butt. because that's what I've been doing the past few weeks since he has an infection. that's love.

  5. HAHAHAHA. I love this.

  6. True love is my mom helping me pay to travel the world when I knew she's been patiently waiting for me to come home since my freshmen year of college.

  7. True love is still loving someone after you've seen, heard, and smelled all the horribly disgusting things that their body produces.

    Gross I know, but oh so true.

  8. True love is letting them think they're right, even though sometimes they have no idea what they are talking about. :)

  9. Very true. You can not have love without respect.

  10. Oh man, I would really have to love someone to do all that :)

  11. you do this? I always let people know I am right! haha!

  12. Oh that is so sweet. You have a good momma!

  13. a man who holds your hair back while you puke your guts out over a toilet bowl, cleans it up, and goes out in the rain to buy you Gatorade to replenish those lost fluids.

  14. This is a great idea. And I see you have the new blog layout!
    I can't even think of something "winnable" for true love. Let me think on this.

  15. True love is scooping out your fiance's pizza and beer puke from a sink to put in the toilet...with your bare hands and no complaints. (my husband is the best lol)

  16. Gross! I never want to be in love! hahaha!

  17. I commented on your instagram pic gurllll!

  18. I think Olaf states it pretty accurately.
