
Friday, March 14, 2014

Her Mother's Daughter

I am a day tardy for the party, but hey I still arrived.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400"] via[/caption]

I wanted to join Jackie at Jade and Oak and Karly from Karly Kim for her Pet's Are People Too Link up, probably because I haven't had Penny on here for like 3 hours or something.

I am not sure how this happened but Penny is totally her mothers daughter.  In other words she is me, if I were a dog.  I know there is a really easy joke that you can make that involves the b word, refrain you pack of wild animals!

Here are some ways Penny really is her mother's daughter.

1. Given the choice between food and people we choose people

From Kindergarten until 4th grades I think I weighted nothing.  That is not true, but I was a thin little child.  Part of this reason was that I didn't like most food.  The other part of the reason was I would throw my lunches away so I could spend more time playing.  I just had to be in the mix of things, I still have to be in the mix of things.  If I am alone to long I get a little sad and whinny.

Penny is the same way.  She will only eat her food if we are out of the room or if we are sitting really quite on the couch and there is not a chance that she will miss anything by eating a few bites.

2. We are weird eaters

When we do eat it is not in a traditional manner.  We get addicted to something for like a week or two and then never want to eat it again.  For me it is things like yogurt. For Penny it is her regular dog food.

Penny The Puppy

3. We have to be the center of attention

This one goes along with the first, but it is a little deeper.  Sure it is nice to be with people, but you know what is even better, having all those people pay attention to only you. Penny achieve this by jumping, I achieve this through performance and teaching and being funny and just being alive.  Please remember that I am still coping with the fact that I never won an Oscar.

[caption id="attachment_1089" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Look at me mom! Look at me mom![/caption]

4. We like to stay fit

Walking is so fun for both of us.  Penny has also taken to some of my favorite forms of exercise like Pilates and Yoga.  She has a lot of work to do to perfect her form though.

Penny The Puppy

[caption id="attachment_1093" align="aligncenter" width="600"]If only Yoga was that easy If only Yoga was that easy[/caption]

5. We clean up nice

It is true we are pretty casual girls, but when the occasion calls for it we can get glamed up with the best of 'em

Penny The Puppy

Erica Jacquline

6. Everyone loves us and we love them!

[caption id="attachment_597" align="aligncenter" width="620"]We Love You! We Love You![/caption]

Jade and Oak

I am curious if your pets reflect some of you best or worst personality traits and habits?


  1. both of you do clean up quite nicely :)

  2. I love how she sits on the chair like a human!!!! She's so cute!

  3. What an adorable pup. This post is too cute!!

    xo Megan, Lush to Blush

  4. She is a little weirdo. I actually think she thinks she is a human. She doesn't always love doges, but people, she cant get enough.

  5. Thank you kindly! it doesn't happen all the times so we try and document it as much as possible.

  6. What a cutie! I love her shaggy coat :)

  7. Haha love this!! But I wish I didn't like most food! My dogs definitely act like me sometimes!

  8. Tehe! Thanks! She is so cute she gets away with everything.

  9. I discovered that I actually like food in Jr. High, I miss the days of being stick skinny, but pizza and I became friends, what can you do?

  10. Cute! Camie and I are the same but basically opposite of you and Penny. We love to be alone and can be moody. She's pretty anti social but likes people at time. Its funny.

  11. I mean, you're both my favorite people ever.

  12. aw, penny is the cutest! loving her glam look, she knows how to work those hair bows! :)

    xo. jenn @ hello, rigby!

  13. Erica! The last picture of you and Penny is so cute. And I just read your poem over at Endlessly Beloved, super funny. Thank God I don't have to share a bathroom with any of the men at work :). Have a great weekend.

  14. So fun! I love that first picture of Penny

  15. Thanks freed, She is quit a ham. I am sure she knows when the camera is on her.

  16. Bah! Thank you! You are rather amazing yourself!

  17. aw cute! Penny had to stay inside for two weeks and not play because of her stitches. I think she dies a little inside. You and Camie are some of our favorites!

  18. Thank you for stopping by from EB. I didn't even know she posted it until your comment. Sharing a bathroom with men is the absolute worst! I do not know how they stay married… JK kind of!

  19. haha! She knows she is cute and uses it to her advantage too much! :)

  20. My princess, Minnow (a mutt with the body of a black lab and the short legs of a basset hound...adorable), doesn't like people telling her what to do...she gets that from me.
