
Monday, March 3, 2014

So You Want To Start A Blog - Content

I have really enjoyed writing these posts each week. Even though I know most of my readers already have a blog and know everything I am writing about, it has helped me feel focused and more purposeful as I write.  If that is all I take from this series I will be a happy blogger.

For those of you who are new around here, maybe due to miss Jackie at Jade and Oak, here are the other two posts I have written in the So You Want to Start A Blog Series.

Week 1 - Before you write your first word 
Week 2 - Basic Blog Design

So You Want To Start A Blog  - Content Is Key

This week I am talking about the most important part of blogging - content.  Without actually having words in a post that you push publish on you really are not blogging, you are talking about blogging.  It can be scary to type a post and let the world read it, but it can also be exhilarating.  Below are some of my tips for figuring out what your content will be and how to figure out what to write about when you have run out of ideas.

So You Want To Start A Blog


1. Just write

When you are first starting out I just advise that you write what ever you can.  Fill out some posts, get a month or so of your ideas out there for others to read, and figure out what works for you.  Most of us bloggers did not have the clearest of ideas as to what it would be like to write a blog post 3-5 times a week and it takes time to orient yourself with everything that is available for your posts.  Take it slow and have fun.  I am pretty sure very few people will actually happen upon those first posts (sorry if you thought they were going to make you famous, it takes a while to gain attention and readers) so work it out and have some fun.

2. Write about what makes you happy

After you have written out your posts that made you want to start a blog in the first place you might be struggling for content. If you like the whole blogging deal I recommend you figure out what makes you happy and find ways to blog about that.

One of my favorite things to do is make others laugh so I try to write posts that are funny, even if they involve way to many K9 bowel movements.  I would say that finding the light and joyful parts of life and coming up with a way to convey that with my readers is my first goal when I write for my blog.  I guess I made it a little bit of a comedy blog (please don't laugh at that.)

I also love to do things like travel, go to concerts, read books, and watch too many movies and share what I loved about these things with others.  doing things and sharing how others can do it is my secondary goal for my writing on my blog.

One last thing I like to do is get to know others.  I have spent a little time connecting with other bloggers and this has really shaped where I want my blog to go in the future.  I have some ideas in the works that would involve a lot more collaboration for bloggers which I would like to parlay into a book or magazine article, eek I have said too much!

All of that was to say, take time to figure out what you like and what you like to write about.  Try your hand crafty blogging, music blogging, sports blogging, comedy blogging, mommy blogging, animal blogging, travel blogging, fashion blogging.  Try it all and see what clicks and resonates with others.  If you love it then keep doing it.  If others happen to love it to I call that a win win.

3. Find your voice

Figuring out what you want to say and how you want to say it takes time.  Once you know what you like to write about your voice will become more clear.  Like figuring out what you want to say figuring out how to say it takes time and practice.  Do not be afraid to try something new and see where it lands you.  Maybe you can write from a sarcastic point of view and others will get it.  Maybe you will write in mostly hashtags.  Maybe you will write formal reviews of films.  Whatever it is you have to keep trying and refining.

The largest thing that worked for me was to think about how I spoke when I told stories I was going to share on my blog.  Sometimes when I write I under explain a situation and it leave readers confused.  I realized when I tell a story i share a lot more details to help paint a fuller picture.  I describe where I am, what the mood was, develop the characters etc.

Writing like I am talking to a friend was one of the things that helped me the most. I honestly think I am still finding my voice in my writing every day.

4. Proofread

Perhaps my biggest downfall is proofreading.  I drove all my professors crazy because I would proof the first page of each paper and then get bored.  Yes, editing is a pain in the butt!  But the proof is in the details, if your writing flows and people do not get tripped up on your spelling, grammar, duplicate, or omitted words you will be more successful.

In order to be taken seriously I spend the extra 10 minutes to reread my work and make sure it is what I want to be sending out to the world.  I promise it is one of the most effective ways you can help your blog and your writing overall.

5. Take risks

Try some thing new whenever you can.  The first time I wrote from Penny's point of view I was sure I was going to be laughed off the internet.  However, I received a lot of positive responses and I was encouraged to try it again.  Now the posts that Penny writes are some of my favorites and my readers favorite too.  I think it is because it is so easy for me to write in Penny's voice.  She says all the sassy things I want to say.  She can get away with it because she is a dog.

I know it is a little scary to take a risk.  What if someone doesn't like it? What if my mom texts me to tell me it was to risqué? What if no one comments on my post?  Those are all questions and situation I have been in when I took a risk.  I have had people not like my post.  My mom has texted me and told me she didn't like something I wrote.  I have many posts with no comments on them.  You know what it is cool.  You are going to write another post in a day or so and all is forgotten.  I love that blogging gives me a chance to fail publicly now and then and to come back the next day and try again.

6. Be Interesting

I think this is the most important one of all.  If you love what you are writing about then others will love what you are writing about…. but you have to present it in an interesting way.  Add a photo or two hundred, tell a joke, talk like a pirate, do something that makes your post about The Bachelor (etc.) the one people want to read.  The only advice I can give to do this is to be yourself.  You are different than any other person blog or no blog.  Only you know what makes you you and why you love it.  Figure it out and share it with us.

7. Ask for input

I mentioned that my mom has texted me and told me that my post was off or there was a typo that needed fixing.  I also have friends at work that read my blog and obviously Penny reads it too.  Although, I am going to do what I want to do I love the input that I get from others.  I can get very "in my own head" and miss somethings that are important or not clarify things very clearly and it helps when others point out what they were confused with or thought was not good.

The bottom line when it comes to your content is that it is YOUR content.  There is no right or wrong way to blog and there is no right or wrong thing to write.  I share just what I have found works for me.  At the end of the day you are doing something that I think is incredibly brave and sharing your story with others because you recognize that your story and other's stories are worth telling.  Keep on typing and keep on sharing.

8. Be Relentless

Do not give up.  If your post that you spent five hours writing only got a few reads, do not quit.  Just get back at it and try again tomorrow.  Promote yourself and love what you are putting out there.  If you, the writer and originator of you content do not believe in it it is never going to reach many people.

Whenever I feel down about writing or that I am just not hitting things the way I want to I think of the following quote and remember that my story is important and so is yours.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="382"] via[/caption]


  1. These are great tips, Erica! Thank you.

  2. writing about what makes you happy is clutch. but sometimes it is also fun to write about what annoys you too. i love getting a little ranty every once in a while!

  3. Thanks Madison! They are a start at least, I am sure we could all think of 25 more!

  4. True true! I feel like my rants always go over like a lead balloon, which is probably why I left it off. I agree though some people can write a great rant!

  5. Yes! When you write what you enjoy writing, you don't tire of it. That's what I love about blogging, and writing itself.

  6. Very good tips, thanks for sharing! :) I love your advice that when just starting out, you should just write about whatever you want and try everything. I feel like that's true to most things in life, too. You never know what you really like until you try it all! Although my problem is that I change my mind about things a lot... ;)

  7. Thank you so much for sharing these tips! I'm loving this series and it's so nice to have such good info all together in one place :)

  8. It is so true! I think for a while i tried to write what I thought others wanted me to write, but I learned to be comfortable with my words and write what I love.

  9. It is true. I think a lot of us had many possible post ideas when we started blogging that we just needed to get out there.

  10. thank you for your input! I sometimes wonder if I am just writing what everyone already knows! Ha! I like writing these though, maybe it is the teacher in me, Thanks again!

  11. couldn't of said this better myself:)

  12. Thank you Erica, this really helps. I have been trying to figure out how to display my story and my blog. I have the content, I am just trying to put into words and have people enjoy them and how I present it. But I like how you said, if I love what I am writing about then so will others. Thanks again! :)

  13. Thank you! I think we can all tell when a writer has conviction or not. I am instantly drawn to writers who believe in or love what they are writing about even of I did not have an interest in the topic before.

  14. Great post! Love that mug!

  15. These are all great tips. I try to write as if I am talking with a friend, that's why many of my sentences begin and end by breaking all grammatical rules. I swear I'm educated...just lazy.
    I love how you worded "be interesting;" you should write for yourself and what you like to write about. I think that shows in your content and voice. If you're writing because all the other blogs are doing it too, your passion may not come through. It kind of goes to your point about taking risks. I wrote about some subjects I was so nervous about, but the next day when people read it I was surprised about the response. So I agree - take risks and write what interests you.

  16. These are great tips! I’ve been blogging for a little over a year, and these are still good
    things to keep in mind. It’s hard to not be concerned that people will comment, like what you say, etc., but it’s good to take risks, too. Hope you’re having a great day!

  17. Thanks I want that mug! I just saw the picture and shared it here.

  18. Thank you so much! Mostly when I write these posts I use them to remind myself of what I need to be doing a year later too!

  19. Thank you! It can be very scary and worrysorme when you try something new and take a risk, I think it always pays off, if not in success then in learning what works and does not work.

  20. ME TOO! I actually do not own it but really like ti and used the picture anyway!

  21. Oh my gosh, I wish I had found your blog sooner and read some of this stuff. Blogging is definitely hard but super rewarding too. Thanks for posting all these tips!

  22. […] we are getting down to it now.  I have talked about content, social media, reading other blogs, and basic design. All of that is wonderful and it will greatly […]

  23. I am glad you found it now at least! I love blogging and the new people and ideas it has introduced me to!

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