
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Listed Fridays + Some Dollar Bills

Hey hey hey, Party People!  I never say that!  Just kidding I probably say it too much, but never in a party context.  I just say it to start class or a meeting or when I call my mom.

Moving along, I am going to keep today's post short and sweet.  It is true I only have two points to cover today.

Point #1

This weekend I was at Target and the most brilliant of blog posts came to my head.  I knew what I wanted to write about and I knew how I wanted to write it.  I then sat down to plan my posts for the week and decided to do it on Friday because it involves a list and I had a list post on Friday last week, and it seemed like a noble tradition to uphold.

I then started to think that every Friday I would do a post that involved a list of some sort and call it Listed Fridays.  But why stop there?  I decided to make the post a link up, because if there is one thing bloggers love more than their Whitney English Day Designers, DSLR cameras, and puppies it is a list and a link up.  The two combined might cause a black hole where our computers once sat.
Erica Jacquline

In order to participate in Listed you will need to:

- Follow Erica Jacquline  on Bloglovin (It is only polite)
- Write a post about anything you want that includes a list of sorts
- Add the Listed Button to your post
- Come by Erica Jacquline on Fridays and add your link
- Read other posts, comment, and make new friends
- Shower, rinse, repeat each week

Point #2 

My incredible sponsors and I pulled our resources and have united to bring you a great giveaway!  The winner gets a $90 gift card to Target or $90 paypal cash, it is up to you, the winner!

Enter below for your chance to win!

All enteries will be verified, open to international winners as long as you have a paypal account, and the giveaway ends April 23rd at 12am. Good luck!

April 1  Miranda - Mermade Moments // Raewyn - Be A Warrior Queen  //  Jenn - hello, rigby!

April 2Sarah - Seriously Sarah?  //  Kelly - Sew Crafty Cat  //  Taylor - TMInspired Photography

April 3Nina - The Grand Adventures of Me // Erica - Erica Jacquline

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a link up I'll definitely be participating in! :) Lists are always so fun! :)

  2. If will link up if I remember! Sounds like fun!

  3. I would travel back to Wales because I did a study abroad there and fell in love with the country and culture.

  4. oh boy. so many fun things in this post! lists and target and monies and thoughts of travel!

  5. That sounds incredible. Whales is on my travel list too. I have never been but really want to go.

  6. Awesome! Hope you remember I would love to read your post :)

  7. Woop! I am pretty excited about this one. I might have had a hard time falling asleep last night because I was so excited for today's post.

  8. This post is a little ADHD! I blame my current cold making my brain fuzzy :) Somehow I think it works though!

  9. ooh love the new link up! will definitely be participating, i sure love my lists :)

  10. Target gift-card for sure! And love the link-up idea...

  11. I'll be jumping in on this link up this Friday! :) I'm starting on my list right now. And WOOHOO, Target. I haven't been to Target in so long. I need a reason to go. But then again, who needs a reason? :)

  12. Uhm, I'm alllll about this link up! Aaaaand I'd go to Bora Bora! :)

  13. I love this linkup idea! I'm definitely going to add it to my list of future posts to linkup with :) I would travel to England or Italy or anywhere tropical :)

  14. I would travel to Ireland. I have always wanted to visit there.

  15. YAY! I am so excited for Friday! How do you not go to Target twice a week. I might have a slight addiction.

  16. It is awesome in Ireland, I went last summer and had a wonderful time!

  17. Sweet! I can not wait to see your lists! England and Italy would be bomb

  18. […] I said in the link up announcement on Wednesday the idea for this post and then the link up came to me while I was at Target buying […]

  19. Haley Faye GernertApril 18, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    I'd go back to London because I definitely left the last (first) time I went wanting to do so much more! =]

  20. Bora Bora! I just want to be able to feel and experience the beauty that I always see in pictures

  21. […] artistically I think I make up for it with my ideas and words.  I love coming up with new posts, link ups, or sponsorship options.  I have some really big ideas for later down the road that I would love […]
