
Thursday, October 3, 2013

My 9 Seconds Of Fame

Two nights ago I had an incredible moment where I was convinced my life was going to be different from here on out.  I mean I was just sure that my life would turn upside down and I would finally be doing something different with my little life. Then about 10 seconds later I realized that it wasn't going to happen and I still had to go to work and sit in an office under a gym where the ceiling drops on me when someone jumps just a little too hard.

Even though I told you the end of the story already I reckon that I should tell you the events leading up to my almost new life.

On Tuesday night I sat down at my Facebook and contemplated this whole government shutdown shindig from an Erica perspective.  An Erica perspective is not right wing or left wing, but West Wing.  You see I have been engrossed in The West Wing on my Netflix and all my political decisions are first run through the filter of "What would Josh Lyman or Sam Seaborn do?"  As I reflected on this conundrum I realized they faced this exact situation on The West Wing.    I think wrote this on my Facebook:

PS I feel like the post below it was amazing comedy gold too.
I got a few likes and I thought, "You know what?  Why not tweet this gem?"

I am not sure why everyone is so worried about this government shutdown. have seen this episode of The West Wing, it will be cool in 42 mins
— Erica  (@EricaJT) October 1, 2013
A few minutes later my friend and Stand Up Comedian Adam Cozens re-tweeted me.  Then in about 9 seconds I had three new notifications on my phone.  I mean it was like grand central station in my house for about 9 seconds.  I texted Adam and said that his re-tweet was blowing up my social media.  He said that one of the people that liked it worked for a TV show as a writer.  As soon as I saw that text I thought that I was about to become a comedy writer for TV.

Be impressed friends, be very impressed that my phone is 100% charged.

In a way I have always wanted to do something in entertainment and I have often thought of writing comedy and then clearly having a my own TV show one day.

While my phone was sending me notifications on a much higher than usually rate I was sure that this was going to be it, my random big break.  I would leave my school, maybe come and teach one class, ya know just to give back to the community, and I would be able to have funny people to work with and I would not have to be trying to figure out what the heck I am doing at this job.

After about 10 seconds my phone returned to normal and people stopped re-tweeting me.  I did not become an internet sensation and I had to go to work again on Wednesday.  I know this post is a totally silly one to be writing, but for about 9 seconds I had a new life and it was glorious!

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