
Thursday, October 17, 2013

What's That CIA, You Want To Give Me A Job?

I am so excited that I can finally share this post with you because the information is no longer under warps.  This Saturday two of my best friends got engaged!  Since none of you know them (well Meg knows them) it would be silly for me to share their story with you.  Instead I am going to share how I was involved in these two finally getting engaged.  

As you looked at their little photo montage of their engagement announcement I am pretty sure the first thing you thought was something along the lines of "Wow!  That girl's nails look so nice!"  OK maybe not, but now I hope you look at her nails and think they look nice because that was my one and only contribution to this fine couple getting engaged.
Here's how it all went down. Her boyfriend, now fiancee, called a few weeks ago and asked for my help with something super top secret.  I knew why he was calling as soon as I saw his name on my phone.  He is a texter and a real live phone call meant this was important. 
He said that one of Laura's dreams when getting engaged was to have her nails done already so all the photos of her hand with her new bling would look nice.  He asked me to take her to get a manicure without giving away the proposal latter that night.  I said sure and I would plan something fantastic.
If you ever need to get your friend a fake free manicure without her thinking it is for an upcoming proposal I advise you follow these simple steps. 
1. Ask friend if she is free 2 days in advance for a manicure. 
2. Tell friend you bought a Groupon for buy one get on free manicures and it is expiring that weekend. 
3.  Tell your friend that you need to use it and they need to help you.  Really it is a huge favor for you. 
4. Go to the nail shop before you meet your friend and pay for your manicures and give a nice tip. 
5.  Tell the manicure ladies not to tell your friend that you paid cash money for their services. 
6. Meet your friend for breakfast and talk like you do every day.  Topics to avoid: rings, the boyfriend, the future. dying alone. 
7.  Take friend to shop and criticize her choice of nail polish color.  I mean this is not the time to pick a fun color.  You need a classic color that you can live with for forever.  
8.  Apologize to your friend and tell her that she is the only one who needs to think that color is pretty, even if you think they are making a big mistake. 
9.  Smile and be cool when your friend says "Groupon is amazing!  I should really use it more often!"
10.  Give your friend a hug and don't say anything that might give away the upcoming event like, "I hope tonight is the best!"
11. Smile and toot your own horn.  You did not ruin a darn thing and your friend had camera ready nails. 
After the CIA reads about my clever lies I am sure they will be giving me a call with a job offer.  Deception like this needs to be put to good use. 


  1. This is hilarious. I have a few single friends and I am totally going to do this when they get engaged! I came over from your post on The Daily Tay!!

  2. […] I was so happy to be one of Laura’s bridesmaids for this joyful event. It was probably one of the most fun weddings I have ever been to which is due in large part to the fun friends they have in their lives (I am pretty sure I just gave myself a nice compliment).  I also was a small part of their engagement story which you can read about here. […]
