
Saturday, June 7, 2014

An Ode To My Psychos

I meant to post this on Thursday morning.  However, the end of the school year was insane and I couldn't finish this post in time.  So pretend like it is Thursday as you read it or just think that I gave a final on a Sunday morning, whatever floats your boat! 

As you read this I am probably with my Psychology class eating bagels and finishing a movie about an alcoholic.  We know how to party.  Today is the last day of the school year and I can tell you that this year was a hard one.  I could write a whole post about that, but really who cares, right?

Despite the difficulties I had in my job this year, my 9th period Psychology class was a constant source of joy in my life this year.  I had such a unique and beautiful group of students this year that I wanted to share a few moments that will continue to make me smile in years to come.

[caption id="attachment_940" align="aligncenter" width="702"]kids we all know I am far too entertaining for you to fall asleep.  kids we all know I am far too entertaining for you to fall asleep.[/caption]

Here are the best moments from my year with my Psychology class.

While talking about reproduction:

Ms T: I do not really want to teach you all that stuff so I will just review really fast what you should have learned in Biology.  To make a baby you need a sperm and an egg.  So who brings the sperm to the party?

Male Student: I bring the sperm to the party Ms. T.

The rest of the year that was the student's saying.  Way to not make things awkward.

While talking about the five senses:

Ms. T: If you had to give up one of your senses which would you give up and why?

The Boy Who Brings The Sperm To The Party: I would be blind because I would make my hot wife be my eyes.

While Learning about Freud

Ms. T: Trying to read the word pessimism out loud in class stares at the word for a good 30 seconds trying to figure it out.

Student: Ms. T, isn't the word pessimism?

Ms. T:  Oh yeah!  It was Freud so I thought it had to do with male parts and I was trying to figure out how to explain it or just skip over it.

Still Talking about Freud

Ms. T: Freud believed people were either anal retentive or anal explosive.


Ms. T:  I mean Expulsive. Ugh!

While talking about gifts we have and what we do well

Female Student:  I am a very positive person. I wake up every morning and jump out of bed because I am so happy.  The only time I get sad is when I have to go to bed.  It is OK though because I wake up happy the next day.

[caption id="attachment_1712" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Erica Jacquline Graduation My happy student. She looks a little less happy because she just cried her eyes out at graduation.[/caption]

I have so many beautiful, silly, meaningful, thoughtful, ridiculous memories with this class.  I am so grateful to them for being so bright and happy each day.  For never asking me if I was going to hand back any of their work and for never telling anyone I never updated the new homework website we were supposed to use.








  1. What a wonderful job! Looking forward to that seems really special! Was 9th period the last one of the day? I bet that really brought out the best funny moments!

  2. Ohh some of those made me laugh so hard! But it's glad you had a great year and I hope next year is just as good for you!

  3. How awesome is that! I have to say - the happy student was my favorite part of this post. I hope she keeps that attitude her whole life!

  4. Hahaha I can imagine teaching is the absolute best!

  5. She was just the sweetest kid! I taught her for three years. She was a peach!

  6. Thank you! I am looking forward to teaching more next year.

  7. Yep it was the last class of the day. We were all loopy everyday. It was magic.

  8. I love it! It makes me laugh on the regular !
