
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Erica Jacquline On Hiatus

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Happy Monday Blog Friends!  How was your weekend?  Mine was really good. I just got stuff done.  You know what I mean right?  LIke things you put off for a whole year and in one weekend you begin to tackle all of it.  Let's just say my guest room is finally acceptable for humans to come for a visit.  So pack your bags and come on over! Sorry it is not cute and Pinterest inspired so I didn't take a photo of a standard room.  Imagine the most basic bedroom in your house and then picture it in California,  There is your mental photo.

Over the weekend of productivity I a lot of time reflecting on where I am in my life and what I want to accomplish.  I am feeling really good about things right now and I want to keep that feeling alive.  Part of me loving how I felt this weekend was really disconnecting from technology.  I spent time at the pool listening to a neighbor laugh out loud at every text he got, at lunch with my family today, at the mall buying things for an upcoming bachelorette party, reading a book (I have only read 1 book in 2014 and it makes me sad), and not being on the computer or phone.  It was glorious.

I really started to feel a little too acttached to my blog and social media.  Like if I did not write a post every weekday I would stress out and think about my numbers plummeting and everyone jumping ship to go read posts from a blogger who had her ish together.  One of the things I really loved, blogging, had become a chore and a stress for me.  And tho sweetened I sat down to figure out how to help alleviate that.

I decided for the month of May I will take a hiatus from blogging.  All I mean is that if I don't want to write a post one day I won't.  If I do want to write a post I will.  May is notoriously terrible for teachers and this year I know is going to be so far beyond crazy that I needed to let something go to help me make it through.

I will not be having sponsored posts this month as I did not think it was fair to my sponsors to have a blogger that is not sure when or if she will post.  However, they will still be there on my sidebar for you to pursue their blogs and show them some love.  And in June I will be back in full force posting like a fend again and sharing some amazing bloggers with you all.  That is unless California falls in the ocean by then or I run away with some hunk to Hawaii and start a whole new life off the grid.  Either way things are bound to be exciting round these parts.

In sort I will be posting this month and it will just be when I feel like writing will bring me life and joy instead of take it away.  So I hope you will stay around through this month and enjoy the posts that may or may not be coming!

You also should watch this video on social media and technology.  I watched it as I was thinking about all of this and it might have made me cry.

PS the one thing I will do for sure each week is Listed Tuesdays.  So make sure you come back and add your link to a post that is a list, that is it!
Erica Jacquline


  1. I have been the same lately, posting when I want to and not really thinking too much if I don't feel like it. We all need to step back sometimes! I hope your May is great and good luck with all your teacher-y things!

  2. enjoy your little break from blogging! i am sure it will do you good :)

  3. Take your needed time off! :) I just went through a month-long hiatus myself and it was pretty refreshing. So much so, I actually had some nice ideas on what to post about.

    Great video. Straight to the point and a must-see.

  4. We will miss you, but totally understand!!

  5. you gotta do what your gotta do. taking time from yourself is understandable!

  6. If you run off to Hawaii with a hunk you better write a blog about it! It could be a how-to for all us single girls haha. Enjoy your May; can't wait to have you back full force in June!

  7. I literally just finished watching that video before I read your post. I realized this weekend that as much as I keep telling myself I should spend my weekends doing more blog stuff so I don't have to during the week that the way I have it set up right now actually works really well. I spend very little time on social media or blogland during the weekends, but then during the week while I'm already on a stricter schedule I keep up with all of it. It leaves my weekends to be enjoyed and to socialize with people. Enjoy your hiatus, I can't wait until you come back in June, I'm planning on sponsoring you then!

  8. That video is really eye opening. My fiancé and I try to unplug at least one full day a week and for a few hours each night.

    Enjoy your hiatus :) See you soon.

  9. That video made me cry, too. It's been going around the blog world lately and I think it's a much needed reminder for all of us! Enjoy the month of May!

  10. You enjoy your blogging break! We'll miss you :)

  11. do what you have to do girl I took an entire year off and surprisingly still had readers when I came back.

  12. I can totally relate and I so support this. Your physical and mental health are way more important than page views! :)

    -Rachel @ With Love, Rachel

  13. I was in this exact position a few short months ago. I came back stronger than ever and really excited to blog again. We'll be here when you get back. Enjoy your break. :)

  14. Enjoy your break. I am really close to taking one as well. It is become a chore for me. I have just gotten so busy and preoccupied with other things.

  15. Enjoy your break! We'll still be here when you get back. :-)

  16. good for you! we will miss you (and Penny) but looking forward to your return. have a nice break! :)

  17. Gotta do YOU, girl! :) I'm glad you're not disappearing entirely though! :)

  18. I'll miss reading your posts all of the time! A few of my favorite bloggers have decided to do this during May, and I think it is a great idea!! Enjoy your time away <3

  19. Blogging can become stressful and overwhelming. I try to remind myself that it isn't the end of the world if I only get one or two posts out in a week. Your faithful readers won't disappear and we are excited to read your posts when they do show up in our feed :)

  20. It is always nice to take a break, I hope you are refreshed and enjoy it. May the last few weeks of teaching and all it entails go well.

  21. I'm excited for you and your much needed break!! XO!!

  22. Well I'm outta here (she said with complete sarcasm)! I hope you run away to Hawaii and we never hear from you again (thinking about your happiness, because who wouldn't be happy running away with a hunk)!


  23. sometimes you have to step back. I did that intentionally and it felt so good b/c I have some great plans for the future

  24. Thanks girl! It has already been great not to feel pressure to write everyday.

  25. Thanks! It was such a crazy week I was so glad I decided to take a step back here. Hope you are enjoying your break too.

  26. Thanks Rachel! I will be around a little just not a constant dose of Erica

  27. Thanks! I am hoping I will be very refreshed too!

  28. Ok that will be my final post a How to if you will.

  29. Right it is such a great reminder. I love being able to be out and about and not feel tethered to anything.. Glad you are finding what works for you.

  30. Thanks friend! I ail be back it will be amazing!

  31. I couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing!

  32. That is awesome. I have decided it is necessary to build in those times, because no one is going to give them to you.

  33. Thank you friend! I agree. Why is the end of the school year such a crazy time? I protest.

  34. Wow. That is awesome. I love blogging and know I will be back soon, just didn't want to bore everyone with my stories of proctoring AP exams for 10 hours a day. hahaha!

  35. Thank you for your encouragement. IT has been a really good week over here, blogging when I feel like it and dying on the couch when I feel like it.

  36. This is awesome! Thank you for your encouragement!

  37. Thank you! Apparently April Showers bring May Hiatus!

  38. Tanks! I do not think I could do that. I would miss it :) and you all!

  39. Thanks girl! I know I will miss it too, but it is just what I gotta do for a few weeks.

  40. Thank you! I can already tell it was the right choice last week was nuts! thanks for your encouragement!

  41. Thank you friend! I appreciate that encouragement!

  42. hahah! I am sure I would let you all know if that dream came true!

  43. That is awesome! Sometimes you just need to take a step back and let go and your brain will come up with so much stuff for you when you come back.
