
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Listed Tuesday: Instead of Writing a Post

I have really been enjoying my little hiatus from blogging the last few days.  I am telling you I do not know what I would do if I had to blog every day.  I am sure after next week things will calm down and I will want to blog more, but for now I really had a hard time sitting down to write a post for Listed Tuesday.

So because I am beyond creative I am going to tell you everything I did in order to avoid writing a post today, cause that sounds like a rip roaring good time!

1. Went grocery shopping for the first time in three weeks.

2. Had a little counseling session about teenage relationships (cause that is fun)

3. Made a real dinner, like on the stove and everything.

4. Ate my dinner with May and had a real good conversation.

5. Took Penny for a long walk.

6. Called my mom.

7. Watched the Ducks rock the Kings in Game 5!

8. Walked in place during the second period of the game.

9. Ran a mile on my elliptical.

10.  Cleaned the living room.

11. Played ball with Penny.

12. Did two loads of laundry.

13. Wrote drafts for three other blog posts.

14. Watched one too many Farmers Only Dating Website commercials.

15. Alienated all my Ross loving friends on Facebook and Twitter.

16  Alienated all of my Ross hating friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Erica Jacquline

Please join me for Listed Tuesday and make sure to check off each item on the list below:
- Follow Erica Jacquline on Bloglovin (It is only polite)
- Write a post about anything you want that includes a list of sorts
- Add the Listed Button to your post
- Come by Erica Jacquline on Tuesdays and add your link
- Read other posts, comment, and make new friends
- Shower, rinse, repeat each week

What are some ways you avoid writing?

Also go on over and check out my post for Ember Grey today!  I love Emily and was thrilled she asked me to guest post this week!


  1. My list is in a bullet point form, but it's still a list! I love this link up. Lists are fun!

  2. really, you can get so much done. i wish i would know that in my brain haha

  3. a session about teenage relationships? POST ABOUT IT :')

    and taking a blogging hiatus is seriously great for the sake of creativeness !!!!

  4. i was home in southern oregon this weekend (which is big farming area) and those commercials were on all the time!!!

  5. WOW! At least you were super productive, because I didn't write a post OR get groceries, do laundry, or bother being a normal functioning human, etc. also, I'm sure what you really mean by points 15 and 16 is that you can't pick a favorite Friend, because overall all 6 of them are the greatest friends anyone can have.

  6. I didn't blog at all during AP testing (you of all people would get it!), I kind of liked not having that responsibility! But now, I'm back in action :) Dudes. You're so productive it hurts.

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  7. Hi i'm totally new to all of this blogging business, how do I add your listed button to my post? Thanks. ~Dena @likelovelearn

  8. haha! It was a rare day only out of necessity!

  9. Thanks girl! So glad you linked up!

  10. HA! I know people are die hard about their fav friends.

  11. They run non stop in southern california. It is really strange.

  12. HA! I would love to post about it, but I wouldn't want to embarrass the teens one of them reads this now and then. I love this little break, excited to see what comes from it all.

  13. Girl I get it! I proctored 10 of the AP tests at my school and wanted to die. Which ones did you take! Sure you did great!

  14. Hey there! Sorry it took me a week to write back, On the left hand side of my blog there is a button with some code under it. If you copy the code and paste into html on your post it should work.
