
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Things I Would Break My Toe To See

So last night I had every intention to sit my cute butt down and write a post for today.  But first I had to take Penny on the longest walk known to dog and make dinner.  While I was making dinner I of course had I to have the TV on for background noise.  The perfect show for this is Fashion Police.  I would check in now and then and see the fashion from The Billboard Music Awards and whatever else celebrities were doing this last week.

I was almost done with dinner and I heard Joan Rivers say they were going to pick the worst dressed of the week.  Of course I had know who looked terrible despite the thousands of dollars they spent to look great.  In my hurried rush to see people look silly I ran to the living room right into my coffee table with my middle toe first.  I felt pain like never before and fell on the table.  Of course I sat there and saw Shakira win the worst dressed award and then went on to make dinner.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"] via[/caption]

By the end of the night I knew my toe was broken.  In case you wanted to know if you have a broken toe it will feel fluffy and like it is disconnected at the knuckle and it will bruise pretty fast.

Today I decided to post about all the things I would break my toe in order to see it.

- Any worst dressed list.

That is all I got.  In fact I would have never had this list to begin with if last night did not happen.  Silver lining I say yes!

Erica Jacquline

Please join me for Listed Tuesday and make sure to check off each item on the list below:
- Follow Erica Jacquline on Bloglovin (It is only polite)
- Write a post about anything you want that includes a list of sorts
- Add the Listed Button to your post
- Come by Erica Jacquline on Tuesdays and add your link
- Read other posts, comment, and make new friends
- Shower, rinse, repeat each week.


  1. I love this idea for listed Tuesdays. I have a while list (punny!) of Tuesday list that I was going to start publishing in June. I will have to jump on and do this with you. Thanks!

  2. Ugh that sounds painful! My list definitely isn't as painful as yours. Hope your toe gets to feeling better soon!

  3. Lol sorry to laugh at your pain but like I say at least it made for a good blog post :)

  4. The night before my 21st birthday I was outside when the St. Louis Cardinals scored a run during the playoffs. Obviously I had to run inside, and obviously I wasn't wearing shoes. I did almost the exact same thing you did but hit my pinky toe on the door frame and broke it! It was awful! So I totallyyyy feel your pain!

  5. i mean if we are being serious the dress isn't even that bad! you broke your toe for nothing!

  6. lol! i just discovered this link-up, what a great idea!

  7. always makes for a good blog post. I am telling you tragedy is the best for bloggers. Well limited tragedy.

  8. ahhh! You are so right! It was the most sad reason ever to break a toe

  9. At least yours was for something cool like sports! Sorry you broke your toe too!

  10. Thanks! Hope you will join us one day soon!

  11. I would say yes it was painful. Never want to do that again. Lesson learned.

  12. Ouch!!! I love that show! I probably would have ran also! Feel better'

  13. Thank you! It was such a long list. thanks for reading the whole thing! :)

  14. haha! thank you for understanding! solidarity sister!

  15. At least it was something important.
