
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Erica's Rules for Writing

I want to welcome anyone who is stopping by from Living in Yellow today!  I hope you grab a cup of coffee and stay awhile and comment so i can thank you for reading.  

As I mentioned in my last post the last two weeks have been nonstop work fun.  I did not have time to write a blog post, think about a blog post, or put any creativity into any facet of my life.  This last weekend I was sick and I made myself sit around for two days without doing any work and I feel like I am retuning to me again. 

While I was on my mini blog vacation, or Blacation if you will, I had a little time to reflect on my writing and this blog.  To be honest there were many times where I thought i should just quit.  I do not always feel like I fit into the right blog category and my goal of growing my blog this summer was only kind of fulfilled.  I read lots of bigger bloggers who said their numbers were down so I tried not to let that bother me. When I thought about it more I realized some of my concern about writing here I have somehow made up rules to being a successful blogger and they are not rules that I thrive under. 

I have decided to come up with my own rules for writing and stick to what makes me me. My inspiration for this comes from my wanna be best friend Mindy Kaling.  If you have to ask who Mindy Kaling is I do not think I have time for you.  I am sure you know her from The Office, The Mindy Project or her gem of a book Is Everyone Hanging Out With Me? and other concerns.   

After reading her book and loving her comedy I decided we would get along well.  One of the One of the best compliments I received was from a friend who read Kaling's book  said that it sounded like something I would have written.  I almost died I was so flattered.  Mindy, if you ever happen upon this blog, I would love to work for you or be your best friend. I know it would be one heck of a great time. 

Another reason we would be great friends is because we have awkward childhood photos:

Mindy's photo is from the back of her book.  My photo is from wedding where I thought you had to show all your teeth to smile.  It was taken on my pink Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle camera.

More proof awkward children grow up to be lovely women.  Worn on TV
When did this become a plug for Mindy to consider me a new BFF?  Back to point of this post. Mindy wrote or spoke and someone else wrote (she is that powerful now) some rules for her writers at The Mindy Project.  While I am not writing for that show, yet, I thought they were great and they inspired me to look at my own writing and come up with some rules. 

Mindy's rules for characters are:

Characters are helpful and kind.

No one is a moron.

Characters are polite.

Conflict should never come from a desire to be cruel or mean.

Do not fear nuance. Comedy from avoiding conflict, not instigating it.

Characters don’t have to be maxed out to be funny.

I found this interview from Gretchen Rubin the author of The Happiness Project.  I love her book too and want to be besties with Gretchen as well.  Check out her blog here.

I like that Mindy keeps things kind and polite.  Honestly it is easy to write trash and mean one liners.  It is much harder to be kind and light.  Below are my rules that I have thought of in the last two weeks and I may be adding more to make me a better writer as the need arises. 

Erica's Rules for Writing 

Is there a point?
One of the things I hate most is that my thoughts can get so jumbled and my intent cannot be found.  I want to focus on writing that is clear, informative, and helpful.  If I do not have something important to write I will not publish it for the world.  I will simply keep it as a draft and work to only post that which I have spent time and effort on making great. 

Is it Erica?
I have a clear voice.  I am an opinionated lady.  I know who I am and I am confident in myself.  My writing should reflect this.  I should not be worried about how others sound, what other blogs do to bring readers, and what my mom will tell me is too edgy.  I want to believe in my self and my writing so that my readers will believe in me and my writing. 

Is it light?
I mean this in a few ways.  I mean I want my writing to be positive, happy, kind, and polite. I know that life is hard and there are times where I write about that, but I never want my writing to be negative towards another person in order to make myself look good. This also means being kind to myself.  I am freaking awesome and there is no reason to be unkind to me.

Do I like it?
This sounds silly, but there have been plenty of times where I have written a post "just to write" and prayed no one ever saw it.  If that is my feeling about my writing it is time to junk it and try again. 

Do I believe in it?
I write about my faith sometimes, or about work, or things I am learning.  I might review a product, event, or outfit.  If I am going to give my opinion I have to support it and it must line up with my values and morals.  

After reading this I kind of feel like saying to myself "You is smart. You is kind. You is important."  Or it could just be because The Help is on in the background. 

That is all for now.  Do you have any rules for writing hat you would like to share?  I love to hear what works for others and learn something for myself.  If you haven't entered Erin's contest be sure to go to Living in Yellow and follow some great blogs today! 

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  1. Great post! Far too often I wonder if maybe blogging just isn't for me because my readers don't go up. But always remember that I have met some great people because of it and that I enjoy so why would I quit?

  2. I really liked this post. Great solid writing points i would say. And it is important to stick to your ideas & principles, even in your writing style!

  3. hey! well, the funny thing is: I just happened to come over from LIY blog and I just so happen to have a cup of coffee in hand. ha. I'm excited to be your newest follower! By the way, it's completely normal to have thoughts like you had about giving up. I had them several times and always had someone to encourage me to keep going because it was an inspiration to them. Seriously, you never know how many lives you're touching. Hang in there; especially after reading this post, it sounds like you're right on track. Come say hi over at my blog - I love making new blogging buddies! Excited to read more posts from you!

  4. I was seriously suffering from the bloggy blues the past few weeks and had reevaluate the "why" behind the bog. I love your rules for writing, especially the "Do I like it?" part. I think sometimes us bloggers start writing what we thing other people might want to hear and not exactly what's in our heart. Nice post, keep writing!

