
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday - Childhood Friends

I took a little break from the Throwback Thursday posts this month.  I just didn't have interesting stories to share with you on those topics.  The next two weeks should be pretty good though.  Next week especially.  It is a story I have only actually admitted to happening once in my life and I cannot believe I am actually going to share it here.
This weeks theme is a super sweet one.  I love that I it is about childhood friends because I am still close friends with a few girls I grew up with. 

Alana, Megan, Berna, and me after a play in high school. I thought we were being serious.  I was wrong. 
In 3rd grade I became friends with Amanda.  Our mom's were actually friends and played french horn in the community orchastra.  We would hang out in the back of the practice and listen to A Goofy Movie Soundtrack (actully I might have done that when Amanda wasn't there).  During our childhood we noth had to wear glasses, we both broke our arms, and had to wear braces - never at the same time though.  It was these awesome things that really bonded us together and gave us a deep lasting friendship. 
Lunch with Amanda this summer.
 I love that we are still friends today.  I was her maid of honor in her wedding almost two years ago - that can't be true!  
Another friendship that has lasted is with Bernadette, Berna if you are really good friend.  We met in 6th grade at a movie day that our friend Julia invited us to.  To be honest with you I am surprised we became friends.  The girl called me Claudia for the first few months of our friendship.  Looking back I think I forced her to be my friend.  
Clearly, she only interested in being friends with some girl named Claudia!  I even have photographic proof that she didn't know my name.  One day we were hanging out at the park in town and came across some wet cement. We wanted to add our initials in the cement.  She had long nails and volunteered to do it.  She carefully wrote a "B" and a "C!"  A "C" I tell you!  As in Claudia, not Erica.  I pointed out her mistake and she drew a line and said that was how she made her "E's."  I still do not believe her.
B and C E
Somehow our friendship survived this turbulent start and we became besties!  We went on family vacations together, church camps, wrote the world's worst play together - we titled it "A Pla-ay!"  We still keep in touch and see each other at least once a year. 

She actually was in town for Amanda's bridal shower two years ago and we took this picture together.  Oh yeah we were all friends growing up too.  
Berna, Amanda, and Me
 I am so happy to have friendships that last the test of time.  I am happy that even as we have grown up and have changed we still love each other for who we are and know that we can count on each other. 

To my other friends from growing up that may be reading this post:  I love you too!  I just heard childhood and associate that with before Jr. High.  One day I will write a high school friends post. 
The Life of Bon
Check out my other Throwbacks: 
Totally Crushin'
4th of July 
First Job 
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1 comment:

  1. How special to have friends from so long ago! I am not in touch with many people I grew up with before high school.
