
Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello Dollywood!

This weekend I decided it would be fun to sign up to be in a movie.  I randomly signed up for a site called Be in A  A few times a year they send me invites to be in an extra in a movie.  The only time I went was when Will Ferrell was shooting Semi Pro..  You don't know what Semi Pro is?  It was that terrible movie he made about basketball.  I believe he wrestled a bear in the movie.  Makes sense. 

  I was in the crowd during the corn dog scene.  I actually never saw that movie.  I heard it was terrible.  If you have it will you please watch that scene and look for me? 10 points to anyone who sends me a picture of myself in that movie!  

Moving on from Will and his movie that was not Elf.  

I received an email at the beginning of the week calling for extras for a Dollywood Christmas movie!  I am not entirely sure how anyone could have turned down that casting call!  I found a friend and signed up.  I was probably too excited to see Dolly Parton and meet her, which is sad, because she wasn't even there. 

The whole experience was actually pretty funny.  The shoot was in Topanga Canyon.  No, Cory's girlfriend from Boy Meets World, it is a hippie community outside of LA.  I had never been there and it was a little sketch driving up a winding mountain road.  We lost cell reception and I was a little scared it was a scam to get beautiful people up to the woods and kill them.  I just kept reminding myself it was legit, I had been on a set with them before and that if I die I will see Jesus. 

When we got there we were greeted by the world's worst security guard. I named him Hector.  Hector came up to my car handed me a pen and paper and told me to write my name and number on it and leave it on my dashboard.  Weird.  I did it though, I figured it was in case I needed to move my car.  He also told me to leave my keys on my tire.  When I asked him why he yelled at me and said to leave my keys and that he was going to quit his job.  I didn't leave my keys, I am not a dummy, and I went to sign in. 

Hector stealing someones car. 
The people who went to be in the movie were by far my favorite part of the whole day.  We had a lady and her daughter who had been in every movie they could and changed their outfits in awkward bathroom trailor.  There were a few older married couples who looked angry at me for being young. We had a few foreigners who were very dressed up and thought they were going to get their big break. LIke my new friend in the photo below.  

I named her Carla.  She flew in from Cuba for the movie.  Not kidding.
Aside from our new friends the whole day was very interesting.  We were told to dress up in Sunday best and to wear Christmas clothes.  I wore a cute red dress, my friend wore a cute green blouse and black skirt.  We looked good.  No one else understood the directions.  They wore uuggs with sparkle dresses, blue t-shirts with leopard spot American flags, and jeans and flip flops.  

We also had to bring winter wear for the outside scenes.  Below is my shot in the bitter winter cold of Southern California in the middle of August.  I was a little toasty. 

I kind of want it to be winter, I like this coat!
It is interesting to watch the filming process.  It honestly takes hours to film about 1 minute of a movie.  The director yelled at us, the assistant director yelled at ME!  I yelled back.  I was a real diva!  to be fair some guy got me really wet with a hose and I moved from my spot.  Apparently I was supposed to get drenched.  I also stole a prop from the shoot.  Below is my coffee cup from the day.  I was pretending to drink a delish coffee while cheering on a choir that was singing "Go Tell It On The Mountain."  I am pretty sure this movie is getting Oscar noms by the way. 

After a couple hours of the abuse from the assistant director, and roasting to death in our winter wear, and not being fed we ended up leaving.  On our way back I ran into a man with quesadillas.  He gave us one because we were so pretty.  Apparently, it was the food for the real actors.  So even though no one recognized my obvious talent and I was not offered a star role in the next Lifetime movie they were going to shoot, I did get free food.  I call that a win. 

All in all it was a fun day.  If you ever get to go on a movie set I would recommend it.  It makes the whole glamor of movie making seem really silly and helps you realize that anyone can do it.  

Make sure to look out for these hot ladies in a Dollywood Christmas movie coming to your local Lifetime network this winter.

This was in a trailer, we are so g!


  1. […] are trying to remember what films I was in let me refresh your memory.  There was my role in that Dolly Parton Christmas movie last […]
