
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Anywhere With You

Two of the things I love the most are music and traveling.
Total tourist look through the streets of Europe.

Frankenstein face as we go through Frankenstein.

I am somewhat musical and come from a family of musical people.  My grandmother has a beautiful voice.  When she was young she actually sang on the radio.  My mom was more of the instrumental type and can play the french horn beautifully. I can sing, not as good as my grandma, but I can carry a tune, and I played the oboe and clarinet, and taught myself guitar.  I am not any sort of a musical prodigy, but I know enough to know good music when I hear it.  I am so glad that I had musical people in my family because music has always been a part of my life.

My mom also passed down to me a love of traveling. I like to think my mom fell in love with travel when she was in high school.  Her family moved to Germany when she was in her teens.  My grandfather was the principal of an American high school on the base army base.  From the stories she tells it sounds like she loved it there, and cried when they left her senior year.

 Visiting my mom's old high school a few summers ago.
The gazebo from The Sound of Music.  I am 16 going on 17.
Growing up summers meant family vacations.  My mom instilled in me the importance of travel from a very young age.  Growing up in a small town in Arizona was awesome but difficult at times.  I had friends who had never been further than Phoenix their whole life.  I found them to have a small world view and were very narrow minded.  

We took many road trips and flights around the US and Canada.  I cannot remember a summer where I was not traveling.  As a result I have a great love for travel and think that the more you see the better off you will be.

I did not intend to be so wordy here.  Really all this post was going to be was a little play list of my favorite travel songs.  There is sometime quasi-romantic in a song about traveling or a song that uses places.  I actually find them more romantic than the super gushy romantic songs.  I think it is because traveling with someone you love seems more plausible to me.  Romantic candle light dinners in hotel rooms sounds nice, but like a lot of work.  Driving down the road and checking out a wall made of gum sounds like true romance.

I think that the movie Eliabethtown has some blame to take here.  How great was that road trip Kristen Dunst made for Orlando Bloom?  Totally romantic right?

For example Jake Owen's new song "Anywhere With You" totally makes me swoon.
I'll go anywhere,
West Virginia baby I don't care
Mexico on wild hair
Have you ever seen California
Pick a spot on any old map
I travel light and my bags are packed
Just as long as I'm where you're at
I'm gonna have a real good view
I'll go anywhere, anywhere with you

The Eagle's "Take It Easy."
 I just love the easy feeling of this song.  I also love that they mention Winslow, Arizona.  I grew up about two hours away from Winslow and I can not believe that place made it into a song.  This song makes me wanna drive and find cool new places to explore.

Simon and Garfunkel's "America"
Really almost any Simon and Garfunk song screams road trip to me Growing up nothing said road trip like S and G.  It was my family's go to CD.  I know all the words and harmonies to their songs and I still love it.  How beautiful is this song: 

"Kathy, I'm lost," I said, though I knew she was sleeping
I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
They've all gone to look for America 

I also love books about travel, but that might be a post for another day.  

love! Erica


  1. two of the things you love most are music and travelling?!! you are definitely my kind of girl!!!

  2. Oh life would be incomplete with out music and travel!
