
Sunday, March 16, 2014

18 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Today I am sharing 18 things you never knew about me.

18 things You never knew about Erica

1. Everyone I know who is not from Southern California really wants to move here, I am looking for jobs and ways to get out of here almost everyday.

2. I am not a very domestic person.  Sure I can cook and clean if I have to, but I find very little joy in that whole "doing women's work" mumbo jumbo.

3. One of the things that ticks me off most in life is when other people try to enforce gender roles on others. Just because something works for you does not mean it has to be that way for everyone.  Just let people be who they are and do be threatened by them for doing what works for them.

4. I wonder if I will get married.  I have hope though that someone incredible is out there, but sometimes I wonder.

5. I was almost expelled from school in 4th grade. Crazy right?  I had a really hard time fitting in from Kindergarten through 4th grade with my classmates.  They told me they cheated on math tests and homework and how I could cheat too.  I thought if I cheated they would be my friends.  Instead they told our teacher about it and I got in a lot of trouble.  You would think the first time would have taught me a lesson, but it took three times of  the same story happening and my almost being expelled for me to learn that some people are not worth being friends with and it was more important for me to be myself.

6. While at the school I mentioned in #5 I accidentally stepped on a gerbil at lunch time.  The same kids had class pets that were gerbils and they would play with them at lunch and recess.  I didn't know they had their gerbils in the grass where I was playing and I went to walk to the swing set.  I heard a little crunch under my foot and looked down to find a flattened Oreo.  That really helped me in the popularity department.

7.  I have broken two bones in my life, both in uber embarrassing fashion.

My first broken bone happened when I was 6 and it was the end of girl scouts.  I was waiting for my step dad to pick me up and I became bored.  I decided that the best way to cure my boredom was to play a game of run around the pole.  Well I became very dizzy and fell down and broke my wrist.

When I was 8, that is a lie, When I was 14 I was at a church event and I was bored (Moral of the story do not get bored).  My friend Stacey and I went to the playground to play.  We went on the sea saw.  I quickly wanted more of a thrill so  I pushed off the ground extra hard and she went down with gray force.  Such great force that I was propelled to the concrete below.  I ended up in the hospital and needed surgery because I dislocated my shoulder and broke the growth plate.  To this day my left arm is like a half an inch shorter than my right arm.

8.  I always had huge lofty goals when I was a kid, that would change every month.  I wanted to be a tight rope walker, a lawyer (even came up with a new name, Allison Cloud, and made business cards and handed them out to my new "clients"), a writer, President of the United States, Kelly Ripa's replacement on Live with Regis and Kelly, I wanted to own a television network and open my own orphanage.  When I think about it I still want to do some of these things and I am a little sad I was not as big of a dream when I went to college.

9. I majored in Bible in college. Bible.  I was qualified to live in a box and read Greek and Hebrew upon graduation.

10. My deepest regret from college was not doing a semester abroad at Oxford.  I was afraid I would miss out on really important things if I went away.  I now know that i would have missed nothing.

11. Birds totally freak me out.  If one is flying at me I will usually duck and be over-dramatic to avoid my impending death.

12. One of my life mottos is "One and Done…" when it comes to drinking.  I have never really cared that much about drinking for a few reasons: it is expensive, I am really fun already, I am afraid of getting fat, and many members of my extended family have drug and alcohol problems and I did not want to be like them.

13. I wish I lived in a piano bar.  Clearly not because I want to get drunk, but because singing fun songs at the top of my lungs and dancing around like a crazy girl is one of my favorite things ever!  Anyone wants to go to a piano bar this weekend?

14. I love love love people and I love spending as much time with others as I can, most of the time.  Sometimes I need to hermit myself away for a day or a weekend, turn off my phone and computer and just be.  I have learned when I do this I am even more happy when I am with people again.  It is good for all of us.

15.  I love almost all the colors and it is hard for me to pick a favorite.  I do have a least favorite though, purple.  I seriously can not handle that color. I have a theory that people who really love purple have some insanity issues buried deep within.

16. I judge people on really arbitrary things, like their favorite color, and come up with theories about them.

17. I have decided to give up sugar for a whole year.  I really think I have sugar issues that I am tired of dealing with.  I get sick and throw up if I eat too much candy, my vision can be weird, and I just feel gross.  I know that moderation is the key, but I do not function well that way.  In some areas I have to be all or nothing.  So for this year I will be nothing. I started March 12th so that is already 5 days down 360 to go!

18.  I wonder too much about what I am doing with my life.  In many ways I am not satisfied with what I am doing and where I am at.  I am burnt out on education, both as a profession and as possible PhD subjects.  If I am being honest with myself I happened into teaching, because being a Bible major got me no where.  I really love teaching most of the time but the system of education and Christian education have worn me out.

When I think about what has made me most happy and fulfilled in my life it is times I have unabandonly shared life with others, experienced new places, and reflected upon it in writing and speaking.  I have been very fulfilled with blogging this last year and it has made me want to see what more I can do in the field of writing and entertainment.  I worry that I am too far behind and I do not know anyone to help me get a start or if I would actually like it if I did it.  I actively seek new things and find joy in what I have. I just feel like things are a little stalled at the moment and I am a little cabin fever inside my own skin right now.

So that got kind of deep and I did not really intend for that to happen, but the words kept coming.  Clearly I needed to get some of that out.  Thanks for bearing with me on this post.  Come back tomorrow for the next installment of the So You Want to Start a Blog series.  Tomorrow's topic is being the blog reader you want to have.


  1. I loved reading this list and getting to know you better!

  2. Thanks girl! I felt like it was time to share a little more about me :)

  3. Love it! Getting to know the gal behind the blog allows me to get more invested in following!

  4. Loved reading this! :) I think it's always fun - esp random facts. So....
    1. If you were to move, where would be your first pick?
    6. OMG!!!!!
    7. I dislocated my knee playing slip 'n slide. But not because I slipped. Only because I tripped on a rock before I actually got to the slide.
    16. I cannot stop laughing and totally know what you're talking about. Peach? No. Stop. Peach is a fruit.
    17. I really want to know how this goes for you.. will you be blogging about it? I've thought about doing this but am afraid I'll eat more just to try and make up for my body wanting sugar! (addict. I know)
    18. Do it. :) So much easier for me to say than for you to do, I know. My dad always said, "your soul stirs in you because this is how you were made" - and I've always listened to that stirring. It's lead me down scary paths but they have always enriched my life for the better.

  5. Love this list!! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. 1. I do not know! Most of my searches are Hawaii, texas, DC. Chicago, and Boson.
    6. It was terrible!
    7. I think the stupid ways we get hurt are the best!
    16. Thank you! It felt mean when I typed it, but it is so true! and PEACH! haha!
    17, I might blog about it. Maybe like a monthly healthy update… I need to exercise more too, maybe that will motivate me! You should try it the first week is hard, but it gets easier!
    18. I am working on it! Just want things to happen over night and they never do. Thank your kind words and sweet encouragement friend!

  7. great learning more about you! i'm feeling blah with my career lately too. I definitely feel like I had grand plans when I was younger and they haven't really panned out. hope that you find your passion! oh and I broke my wrist when I was 14 by wrecking a go-cart. dumb.

  8. I love this post--I feel like I really got to know you better--PS DONT LEAVE CALIFORNIA YOU WILL REGRET IT, TRUST ME.

  9. Your gerbil story reminds me of when we had class pets in 4th grade. We had a hamster named Snickers (that was our teachers favorite candy) and I remember one day he was looking seriously ill so I picked him up and shook him asking "are you ok? Wake up!" (cause clearly that's how you handle such a situation) He died that day.

  10. Things I learned about Erica: A. You should move here. It's got enough to not be bored, but way fewer people, and I'm here... so there's that. B. I also had lofty goals as a child... all of which I've failed miserably at. C. I regret not studying abroad, because what happened while I was staying here was lame anyway. D. I am also looking for direction.

    So, basically... our guest room is ready. Feel free to come any time you'd like. :)

  11. That's too funny about living in Southern California. I'm from the midwest, but lived in Japan for 3 years prior to moving to Southern California. We've been here since last summer. I'm not a fan. It's not the worst place to live, but I know I won't live here for more than a few years and I'm glad about that.

  12. I love number 15... I agree that people who love purple are kinda insane. I had never really thought about it before, but thinking about the people (past and present) in my life who have loved purple... yup, they are all pretty insane.


  14. I hope the same for you friend! If only we could still be young kids again! I think dumb broken bone stories are fun for some reason! Dream big, break bones.

  15. hahahahaha! Sorry to laugh so hard at a dead hamster, but I just pictured the whole thing and I died laughing right now ! Thank you for that :)

  16. haha! I actually left right after college for five months and moved back. I just get stir crazy sometimes… Too many people or something.

  17. I love the weather and I like the beach too, it is just hard here sometimes. People can be very shallow and hard to connect with. Ah well gotta make the best of where we are right?

  18. haha! If I didn't know that chiberia happened this year I would have jumped on a plane today!

  19. haha! It is weird but a true fact I have seen proved a few times in my life. I want a Psychologist to investigate this.

  20. Oh it's hilarious. Laugh away!

  21. I think this idea is great! What better way for readers to get to know you than to do this. Oh and gender roles annoy me more than anything.

  22. 3. I hated gender roles most of my life, until I got married and had kids. I remember I refused to get in the kitchen with my mom to learn how to cook because I felt she was being sexist. My how things have changed... I cook dinner almost every night (including serving my husband his plate o' food), clean the house, take care of my kids, etc. I guess it doesn't bother me so much anymore because my husband helps out as well, so it's not just viewed as my job, you know?

  23. bahahaha! thank you! My grandpa actually was from Arkansas and I think I still have family there! Thank you for the invite! I will def hold you to it when I make it out that way!

  24. Right? I mean if a gender roles work for you then go for it, but if the man wants to do the laundry well then let him! He is still a man!

  25. Totally! I think if it works for you then I am all for it! The only part of it that drives me crazy is when people act like you have to live by gender roles. If it works for the wife to work and the husband to stay home go for it. Do what works for your marriage is all I meant by that!

  26. Oh I'm so with you about the birds! I always run when I see them. I'm more afraid of them then they are of me. I didn't break but fractured my right arm when I was a kid climbing on a uneven stool to play with magnets on the fridge. To this day, when I put both hands flat on a surface you can totally tell the bones in my right arm are shaped weird lol

  27. Oh 100%!! When I visited My Guy in Tampa, he asked if he could make me coffee. And I definitely let him make my coffee haha. We rarely let gender roles interfere in our relationship. But like you said, if it works for other people then that's great but it's definitely not for me.

  28. You're a Gerbil Killer!!!!!! I still love you :)

  29. I have a major fear of birds. they, completely terrified.
    also, have you been to Piano Piano in Claremont?

  30. Glad I am not alone! I have not been to that one, have you? I always remember it and then forget to go!

  31. hahah! I didn;t mean to! Love ya too!

  32. I love broken bone stories, not the gruesome part but the why and the aftermath of it all. Sorry you bones in you hand are shaped weird though.

  33. I amazed that you thought of all of these points. They are actually good and interesting ones.

    How sad that you stepped on a gerbil. I would have been traumatized. Since you want to move let's both move to Chicago!!! I want to go but and scared and I will have no friends and sit in my house all day.

  34. Girl you would be great in Chi town. There are a ton of bloggers there and you would get out! If I move there I will let ya know and we can be neighbors.

  35. Congrats on the sugar challenge- that's so great for your mind and health. I know you will do amazing!

  36. Thanks! It has been really good so far! 50 to go! haha!
