
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dogs, Babies, and Crazies

There is a saying that somewhat implies a person is a good person if dogs and babies like them.  I would tend to agree with that.  If Penny doesn't like someone I know they are trouble and to stay away.  really she likes everyone.

I do not mean to brag but dogs and babies cannot get enough of old Erica.  Really, I have always been a dog and baby magnet.  I have also been somewhat of a crazy person magnet.  I am not sure how the three things tie together, but they all seem to love me.  As a result I have decided I am the best person in the world.

Don't believe me?  Please let me break down some of the many occurrences dogs, babies, and crazies have fallen for me.

Dogs LOVE me

The Tale of The Taco Bell Dog

I was taking a nap after school one day.  I was almost asleep and I felt my cat trying to jump into bed with me.  She kept jumping and jumping but could not get in bed. I thought is was strange, but was so close to sleep I did nothing.  Soon she jumped into bed and sat on top of me.  I opened my eyes and was confused, "How did one of those taco bell stuffed animal dogs my grandma gave me get in my bed?" and then the Taco Bell dog moved and I freaked out!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="257"] via[/caption]

Well the dog was alive and came into our house from one of our neighbor's houses.  He was lost and sad and came to me for help.  After I realized he wasn't pulling a Toy Story he was actually the cutest Taco Bell Dog ever.

The Lost Dogs of The Neighborhood

I am not even kidding you last week three THREE dogs came to Penny and I while we were out for our evening stroll.  They were unleaded and scared.  They had tags and were friendly so I held on to the ones I could and yelled for their owner to come.  It worked once.  The other dog was picked up in a truck and one ran away.

[caption id="attachment_1136" align="aligncenter" width="600"]lost dogs Doggie Penny and I tried to rescue.[/caption]

Penny The Puppy

I think you all already know that Penny loves me.  I don't need to explain more.

Babies Cant Get Enough of Me

 Christmas Babies

Whenever my family gets together the babies all come to me.  It is like they have an automatic tracking system synced up to my biological clock to remind me that time is a ticking if I will produce one of my own.  Their parents usually act like they haven't noticed that I am now their caregiver as they hang out and I explain to them that some people do not like their belles being poked.


Growing up and during college I was all about the babies.  They came to me I loved them, they would fall asleep in my arms it was great… until people my age quit thinking babies were cute. I then pretended to hate babies so people wouldn't make me hold their baby. I was tired of being left out and left to change the poopy diapers.  I have finally come around to babies again and guess what they still love me.  Please do not tell them I pretended to dislike them for a few years.

Crazies Seek Me Out

Running Man

Did you miss my post about the man that was running by Penny and me and turned around to talk to us about relationships and thumb engagement rings?  No?  Well click here it is a doozy.

My Afternoon Stroll at Work 

So I really hate the office I work in, not the people just the literal space that I am in.  It is under the gym which makes it creepy.  There are no windows, and no doors! JK there are doors.   Whenever someone walks across the gym it sounds like it is going to fall in on me, when they kids actually play a game it is the scariest thing ever.  So I often have to get out and go for a walk.

I have run into this one lady twice and each time I remind myself to take a different route.  The first time she walked up to me and kept telling me how pretty I was.  I didn't think that much of it because she was right.  But then she kept following me and saying I was pretty like 20 times.  I pretended my phone rang and walked away.

Last week I was in the same neighborhood and she saw me again.  She ran across the street with her huge dog and got right in my face and asked me what my name was.  I told her it was Mary, probably because I had a Starbucks that morning for Maribelle.  She then asked where I lived etc.  Conveniently I had a pretend phone call again and I power walked to my dungeon office again.

Erica Jacquline or Maribelle

So there you have it.  can you tell a lot about my character now based on the love I receive from dogs, babies, and crazies?


Now for a lady that is neither a dog, baby or crazy, the lovely Ashten from Always Ashten!  Although I am sure all of the above would just adore her.

cupcakes Always Ashten

What is your favorite line from a movie?
"Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around" -Vanilla Sky. Simple, to the point and so freaking true. I've applied this to my life many times.

 Do you have a furry baby? If so tell us about him or her.
Warner is more famous than I am! Ever heard the term “people’s dogs are a reflection of who they are”? That has never been more true than with Warner and I. This dog is social, loud at times, friendly and a total charmer. I named him after my favorite football player, Kurt Warner. He brings an immeasurable amount of joy to my life, and I don’t think I would be complete without him. The saying “love me, love my dog” is no joke in my house.

Always Ashten

What is your go to jam that makes you want to dance a hole in your floor?

"Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. I am legitimately obsessed with this song and I always request it no matter what bar I go to. It's literally my go-to song.

If you are having a bad day what is the one thing that can always lift your spirits?
Coffee. Hands down it's my comfort food. It brings me instant peace, instant cheer and lifts my spirits.

If a movie were to be made about you or a book written about you what would it be called?

Right now I'm feeling a book would be the best way to go about this whole "life story" thing. I would call it: "If Celebrity Couples Can't Make it Work, What Makes Me Think I Can?"

It would be about my dating disasters. Because that's so original. (not!)

You can follow this lovely lady and her dog Warner on Instagram - Twitter - Facebook  and remember how great Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch were!


  1. haha--babies like me, too. They don't seem to like my husband, though. One of my cousins is 3 now and has been terrified of him since birth, it's kind of hilarious.

  2. yo quiero..... haha too funny



    But seriously you are pretty and because the crazies, and babies, and dogs like you - I suppose you are good people too.

  4. Beautiful picture of Penny! I wish I could have animals I am sadly allergic to them :( The dander lowers my immune system!

  5. HA! I like it when a child or dog is scared of someone. I am not sure but I find it really funny!

  6. Dude, I was really scared! And then I wanted to keep him, but my mom said no.

  7. Animals are the best. Can you get a dog that is a poodle mix, they are great for people with allergies.

  8. HA! Yes my name is Mary and I live in the house right across the street from you. JK that would be even crazier.

  9. This sounds just like my best friend with the love of every dog. Except she attracts the dogs with poop on their paws...every. single. time.

  10. I have those three problems too. Well actually the only that is a problem is the crazies, I just don't get why they like me.

    I was thinking about this the other day and how dogs can sense bad people but I wonder if Colby Jack is missing it because he literally loves everyone we meet, then again maybe he just has yet to meet a questionable fellow.

  11. hahaha!!! "Pulling a Toy Story." My mom always said that dogs were a good judge of character... to the point where each time I'd start dating someone new, she'd ask how my dog liked the guy. It was like- who's dating this guy anyway- me or my dog?! (PS- I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes up a name when at Starbucks. Although, I guess I shouldn't flatter myself. Surely everyone and their mom does. I'm always Betty. Perhaps I should start to switch it up.)

  12. Oh my gosh, the story of the lady cracked me up, especially the line, "I didn't think that much of it because she was right"! Own it, girl!

  13. Camie doesn't really not like people but if someone does not like her then I don't want to deal with them.

  14. OMG. This post. Why is your life so hilarious? I really want a Taco Bell dog.

  15. Penny is missing it too. Everyone is her friend. worst guard dog ever.

  16. TERRIBLE! I would be so sad if all the dogs that come to me had poopy paws.

  17. tehe, your mom sounds fun! My starbucks was actually the barista thinking I said Maribelle not Erica. I used to have Penelope as my fake name, which is kind of funny now that I have Penny!

  18. Truth! If someone says something mean about Penny they are on my dunzo list for good.

  19. Dude, it was true. It only got creppy when she thought I was pretty AND wanted to know where I lived! hahaha!

  20. Girl, I think God has greatly blessed me with weirdos so I could entertain you. I will pray a Taco Bell Dog finds its was to your bed during a nap.

  21. All dogs and children love me.. babies adore me and my Mom used to tell me that babies loved me because I was squishy (I was over 400lbs ten-- am far from it now). Animals and children/babies just flock to me now. I love them both and don't mind it a bit. And crazies-- they just feel at home with me.

  22. […] played with the doggies.  As I have pointed out before dogs just love me, you can read about it here.  I was like a little dog magnet.  They flocked to me and jumped in my lap, followed me when I […]
