
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Erica Jacquline Oscar Nominee

I am not sure if you guys heard this, but Leonardo DiCaprio did not win an Academy Award this year… or any other year he has been nominated.  I am going to say something that is extremely unpopular right now, but I am OK with him not winning this year. Granted I did not see The Wolf of Wall Street, but I heard it was nasty.

I do think Leo is a great actor and totally deserving of an Oscar for the work he does.  It's coming Leo.  It's coming.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] via[/caption]

During the Academy Awards ceremony I realized that there are many actors who have been nominated but have never won an Oscars. They were introduced as "Academy Award Nominee…."  Which is still cool you were nominated, but what if that is how you are remembered for the rest of your life as the guy or lady who was always nominated and never won.  It is pretty much the acting equivalent of "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" right?

I decided it was time to figure out who else has been snubbed an Academy Award when they are clearly deserving of the honor.  I searched for reputable actors who have not won Oscars and here is what I found

Great Actors Who Have Never Won An Oscar

Harrison Ford

Brad Pitt

Amy Adams

Robert Redford

Johnny Depp

Julianne Moore

Edward Norton

Glenn Close

Robert Downey Jr.

Erica Jacquline

… That's right.  Your host on this blog tour of Oscar snubs has been overlooked by the academy also.

It is true everyone, I was nominated for an Oscar 12 times in my life and I never won.

Erica Jacquline Oscar Nominee

In case you do not believe me, let me remind you I have been in movies.  If you are trying to remember what films I was in let me refresh your memory.  There was my role in that Dolly Parton Christmas movie last year:

[caption id="attachment_371" align="aligncenter" width="620"]Do you see me? Do you see me?[/caption]

And that time I was in Will Ferrell's greatest film, Semi Pro, which I have yet to see.

Even every word I just wrote is true those were not my Oscar nominated roles.  No my Oscar nominated roles came when I was in high school.

You see I was in theater in high school and every year we produced four plays.  At the end of each year we ran our own version of the Oscars and people received awards for their work.  I was nominated for every part I played the three years I was in theater, hence I was nominated 12 times.

To further prove that Leo and I are in the same acting boat here are some of my favorite photos from this pivotal time in my life from my first play to my last one.

[caption id="attachment_1022" align="aligncenter" width="428"]Erica Jacquline High School Theater My first play with lines and all! I was an airhead in Get Smart.[/caption]

Can we please just acknowledge how much I rock in these photos below? I was a crazy island lady. I totally committed to my part and went orange with fake tanner, ratted hair and it got larger in each scene, and wore  very large island dresses.  I compare it to Matty Mc. losing 50 pounds for Dallas Buyers.

Erica Jacquline High School Theater

Erica Jacquline High School theater

Erica Jacquline High School Theater

As you can see I was pretty spectacular in my part as crazy island lady my senior year of high school.  I thought for sure that I was going to get an Oscar for all of my performances, but this one was really the one that would get me the win. It was my "Wolf On Wall Street" if you will.

I went to the Oscars each year expecting to walk away a winner.  Each year I walked away "Oscar Nominee."

[caption id="attachment_1023" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Please note the girl next to me holding my Oscar. Please note the girl next to me holding an Oscar, I am pouting next to her.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1024" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Please note my "ungracious loser face" Please note my "ungracious loser face"[/caption]

I only posed for pictures the first year and after that I took the back exit to avoid the paparazzi.  Sorry you only have one year of pissed off Erica faces to look at.

One year I even fell on stage during a play, flashed the audience my bright green spandex shorts, and continued to act while everyone else on stage laughed and I got nothin'!  Actually, a year later they named an award after me, the Splat Award.  My friend Priscilla won it.

Looking back I can say that I am glad I never won an Oscar in high school! Leo needs some good company in the "Oscar Nominee" category of life and I am happy to make it a safe space for him until we both get what is due us.


  1. haha! these pics are hilarious. i did theater in highschool too, never won an oscar either. but you're right, we're better for it!

  2. Hahaha why are you so hilarious and adorable??? These are fantastic. I'm sorry you never won an oscar either. Maybe it kept you level headed?

  3. Those pictures are great! I think the island ones are my fave-- sorry you never won the oscar-- but based on all those amazing famous people you listed who also have never won, you're definitely in good company :) haha

  4. This is hilarious! I was just reading about some of those actors who have never won an award recently, too. Interesting to think about, and to remind you that an award is not everything. Will Smith has never won an award, either!

  5. how have you not won yet?!?!?!?!

  6. Haha this is perfect! You're so OBVIOUSLY deserving of an Oscar, but I'm glad you've decided to keep Leo company-for his sake! Funny how many actors haven't won one. Kind of like how Snoop Dogg and Queen have never won a Grammy! Weirddddd.

  7. High school theater was the best! I agree we are better for it, don't peak in high school.

  8. I am pretty happy with my fellow Oscar Nominated actors. we have a support group going.

  9. I think it has really helped me know who I am, ya know? I have something to strive for now.

  10. I did know that Will Smith never won, but I didn't think he should win, Maybe for Men In Black or Independence Day.

  11. It is so weird. Add Katy Perry to that list too.

  12. I ask myself this every day, as does Leo. It frames every decision I make about what roles to pursue. :)

  13. Yeah, I don't necessarily think he does, either--although I did think he was also great in Pursuit of Happiness. But it is interesting to me how "iconic" actors like that don't necessarily merit the big awards.

  14. I can't believe Brad Pitt has never won an Oscar!

  15. Crazy right? I think he will one day.

  16. true he was good in that one. I love me some will smith, I wish they gave an oscar for getting jiggy with it.

  17. aw sorry you didn't win any hs awards. I was in our musicals and was basically given the background parts every year so if we had had awards, I wouldn't have even been nominated!

  18. LOL I totally hear ya as a fellow theatre girl! And while I'm sad for Leo (as well as so many of the other actors and actresses) and I really want him to win one, but I also want it to be a movie that I LOVE and I think he could be really proud of.

  19. That list of actors who haven't gotten an award is quite surprising.

  20. This is seriously the greatest post- I am dying laughing! (Couldn't believe some of those actors who have never won!)

  21. Friend, many of my roles were background ones too, they still nominated us! It probably explains why I never won haha!

  22. Thank you! I know i was surprised too. There are more I just listed the ones I thought actually deserved it :)

  23. Crazy right? I guess an Oscar isn't everything!

  24. Right? I want him to just knock it out of the park and change the world or something and THEN get the Oscar.

  25. Don't worry Erica. The Oscars are dumb anyway. Really, these actors are just getting awards for going to work and doing their jobs. Personally I would love to get an award for just doing my job. Greatest teacher in a leading role... I will nominate both of us.

  26. He did win an Oscar on Sunday...He was the producer of the Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave. Yea Brad!!! :)

  27. Well thank you so much friend! You would get my teacher award too! Maybe I should quit and pursue a career in acting now!

  28. haha cute post! I am sorry you never won though- total snub!

  29. I know I am sure they will use it for my E! True Hollywood story one day. Do they even do that any more?

  30. […] This one goes along with the first, but it is a little deeper.  Sure it is nice to be with people, but you know what is even better, having all those people pay attention to only you. Penny achieve this by jumping, I achieve this through performance and teaching and being funny and just being alive.  Please remember that I am still coping with the fact that I never won an Oscar. […]
