
Sunday, March 2, 2014

SPF 100 On The Rainiest Of Days

This weekend was probably not the most eventful weekend of my short life, which was just fine with me.  Friday was packed full of enough excitement for a whole week.

The day started like any other.  I woke up and got ready to take Penny to the vet to be spayed, because Bob Baker told me to while I was growing up.  On this particular day it was raining buckets in Southern California which never actually happens.

I was in the process of getting ready and I decided I did not want to shower or do my hair, because of all the rain, and because I am lazy.  I reached for my dry shampoo bottle and proceeded to spray away.  I looked at my hair and it was looking greasier instead of drier.  I thought nothing of it and kept spraying.

I set the bottle down and only then did I look and realize I sprayed a lot of SPF 100 all over my hair… On the day the sun was lost #winning.

[caption id="attachment_963" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Both these products are great when used properly! Both these products are great when used properly![/caption]

I then went to look for my dry shampoo bottle and realized Penny had not been bothering me for like five minutes.  I looked into the hallway and was greeted by this site.

[caption id="attachment_965" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Look at all that poop! She was trying to escape unnoticed.[/caption]

I swear Penny knew she was going to the vet that morning and her only form of revenge was letting out all the poops.  Either that or she does not like to poop in the rain and had to get a few days of poop out somehow.

I sprayed some dry shampoo on all the poop and away we went to the vet.

I dropped her off and then went to Starbucks for a latte and drove to work.  I was an hour late because of the whole vet deal and walked into an office that had some major power problems (not like people wanting to take power from each other, power as in electricity.)

It really was pretty creepy and looked like a scene from LOST when they are in the hatch.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="672"] via[/caption]

After an hour of terrible lighting and flooding all over campus, the power totally went down and we had to cancel school (I am sure the kids were so sad!)  The only problem with being a counselor this year is that I am now considered administration.  Our principal is out of town for two weeks and well, it was the Principal Advisor and me calling the shots.  Most of the teachers left around 12:30 and I stayed until 3:15  making sure children didn't drown.

The upside was the day went so fast because I was so busy looking for kids, calling parents, and eating ice-cream because the freezers broke.  Not too shabby.

Because California does not get much rain it is always  a little bit of a treat when it does ran all weekend.  My favorite thing, other than laying on my couch consuming coffee with Penny laying next to me, is wearing my bright pink raincoat and black and white rain boots.

Erica Jacquline Rainy Day

I picked little Penny up from the vet after all the hubbub at work and took her home for the saddest night of being a dog mom ever.  She was so sweet and tough but she was constantly whining and trying to get comfortable with no avail.  Finally around one in the morning her pain pill kicked in and she slept.

[caption id="attachment_994" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Still so cute ! Still so cute ![/caption]


It is so hard to see her hurting when I can not explain to her what to do or why she has to hurt. Bob Barker I am convinced you do not know how hard that part is!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240"] via[/caption]

Saturday and most of Sunday I spent the day doing blog stuff and taking care of Penny.

Sunday afternoon I went to my friend Laura's bridal shower and had a lovely time with some of the other bridesmaids celebrating Laura's upcoming wedding, which I can not wait to be apart of it in May.

The house we had the shower at was so cute.  We ate outside and had this view to take in as we celebrated Laura.

[caption id="attachment_987" align="aligncenter" width="600"]The view from the backyard of the bridal shower. The view from the backyard of the bridal shower.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_986" align="aligncenter" width="600"]With the bride to be, Laura. With the bride to be, Laura.[/caption]


  1. Aww poor Penny, she definitely knew she was going to the vet and that is a revenge poop!

  2. right? I am pretty sure I am investing in carpet cleaning soon!

  3. oh man you had a crazy weekend!! but that picture of the shower looks so pretty!

  4. penny didn't even hold back a little bit! but at least you got some ice cream out of the whole mess.

  5. I love your pink raincoat!! so cute.

    It is the worst seeing our pups in pain :( I absolutely hate it.

  6. Oh no! Well that was an interesting weekend--the hair story made me laugh!

  7. That looks like so much fun! dying at the dry shampoo mixup. hahaa. Thanks for linking up!

  8. She really didn't want to go to the vet. Camie does that but normally when its all spread out like that its because she tried to eat it!! Does Penny do that? I also use those pads as well.

  9. Nope she goes for it, which I like about her.

  10. Yes that was the highlight, good friends, a lovely sunset, and chickens in the backyard.

  11. haha! at least it rained and my hair was going to look terrible no matter what I did.

  12. thank you friend! I know what you mean I just want to make her feel better! Right now she is in the goring crazy stage, but still not able to have a ton of fun.

  13. HA! No I caught her eating poop once and had a cow. She has never done it again thank goodness. I like those pads, a little less smelly.

  14. It is a mistake I hope to never make again. The bottles have the same texture, so now the sunscreen is moved far away from the dry shampoo

  15. Penny is the cutest...when she's not making messes all over your floor. ;) Your story about how you put sunscreen in your hair was funny--I can totally see myself doing something like that.

  16. HA! Penny is cute and she knows it, probably why she poops everywhere. If you ever do remember to use twice as much dry shampoo as usual to even out the new oil you added to your hair.
