
Friday, March 21, 2014

Puppy Classes, Instagram Filters, and Pink Boxes

Last night Penny and I put our old lady ways aside and ventured outside at 7 pm to go to Puppy Training Class at our local PetSmart.

Before we went to class I was a little worried that I was going to have the "bad kid" or the "smelly kid' or the "sent the teacher to the ER kid" but it turns out I had the star student!  Take that Simba, Chiquito, and Hannah!

[caption id="attachment_1143" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Yes we were a little tired, but we were ready! Yes we were a little tired, but we were ready![/caption]

I posted this photo on instagram it had me thinking about all the filter options we have on Instagram and how silly most of them are.  I was acutely going to write a whole post about the questions I have about Instagram while I am choosing a filter.

If I were to have written a post on the Instagram filter choices I am offered I would have asked questions like this:

Why would I ever want to look like a sunburnt Oompa Looma? Kelvin and Toaster I am looking at you! 

20140320-203356.jpg 20140320-203506.jpg


Also when did it become acceptable to look like a ghost again?  Actually was it ever acceptable to look like a ghost if  your name isn't Casper?

That is right Sierra and Amaro, not to be confused with Alamo (I'll never forget) Why so pale?



And why is is so hard to choose between Walden and Nashville?  

Perhaps I am just drawn to each because or personal bias. Henry David Thoreau I love you buddy.  Nashville, you are the home to my future country star boyfriend Kip Moore.  I love you both.  Please don't make me choose?



Kip Moore, I mean Nashville, you won tonight, your tones of pink were just calling to me.  No, 1977 not that much pink!



I was also going to write about the filters on Instagram and how they are different when you try and upload a video.  When you think you are choosing Mayfair you are really choosing Vespar which I think the world really needs to be aware of.

I promise you one of the hardest choices I have to make every day is which Instagram filter I am going to use.  I do not have real problems.

But I decided not to write about Instagram today.  Instead I decided to share a little story with you about how I had to prepare for Armageddon last night.

[caption id="attachment_1151" align="aligncenter" width="600"]20140320-203710.jpg Ladies, I know we have all been there right?[/caption]

What is it about Armageddon that makes me want to eat disgusting food like Chili Cheese Fritos?  I guess it is the feeling of impending doom, but there is no science to back me up on that one.

Anyway, last night I knew what was coming and I knew I was ill prepared, so before puppy class I stopped by Walgreens to pick up the necessary supplies to help prepare me for my date with destiny.

I quickly navigated the isles and found my snacks and water and found the pink box in the middle on sale for $8.99.  I always get excited when something I have to buy is on sale.  I then took my three items to the check out lady, thank God it was a lady, sister knew what was happening and gave me the kind, knowing eyes everyone gives when Armageddon is about to befall the land.

She rang up my snacks, but could not ring up the most important item.  She then picked up her phone and called for a price check on the pink box items over the loud speaker.

Hello young man in his 30s that just walked into the store, thank you for making clear and direct eye contact with my pink box and me.  

A lady with red hair wandered the isle where such items could be found, but was unable to find the price.  I decided my dignity was already gone why not spend more time in the pink box isle?  I walked over to show here where I found them and the price sticker that read $8.99 that was listed below the item.  She said "No that isn't it," and walked away.

I went back to the cash register to wait for the price.  Minutes seemed like days and all I could think about were by chili cheese friend waiting to be in my belly.  

Eventually Red Hair came back with the verdict, "They are $9.49" she proclaimed in a huff of price power.

"I showed you where they were marked $8.99 though," I said meekly.  

"No they weren't they are $9.49," Red Hair said decisively.  She then glanced at my pink box as if to say, don't let your turmoil of emotions because of Armageddon rule your logically functioning brain and walked away in victory.

I slowly slid my debit card in the machine knowing I had no argument even though I was right.  I made one last plea to the cashier that I was right, but I did not desire to cause a scene over 50 cents.  I just wanted her to validate that I was not crazy.  She just looked at me and my supplies to survive the week and shrugged her shoulders. 

Defeated I walked away, betrayed by my own kind.  Handed over to what laid ahead only to know that I was swindled out of fifty cents and the only reason I was not validated was the clear signs of doom about to wage war inside my own body.

Armageddon, you vested me this time, but be warned I will win next month when I go to Target and buy a basket full of stuff and hide any trace that you may be near with toothpaste, trash bags, and items from the dollar bins I will never actually use.



  1. ehrmagerd CHILI CHEESE FRITOS... these are my go to armageddon snack. nom nom nom...

    I always fee extremely guilty after eating them, but they're sooo sooo good.

  2. walden looks good on you!

  3. Walden is definitely my favorite, but I also love me some Amaro & Sierra. I always get down to 2 or 3 and have to ask whoever is next to me which one to use.

    &your puppy is so cute!!! How are the petsmart training classes? i have been considering them.

  4. well thank you. I love it and try to use other filters, but I go back to it almost every time.

  5. They are the worst, but the only thing that will really satisfy that terrible feeling I have inside me!

  6. I make my friends help me too, and then I choose the opposite of what they say! i am a brat.
    I liked it a lot. I think Penny is too good for the other riff raff in the class, but she learned and was better behaved last night and this morning. Let's hope it lasts.

  7. I WISH I could say my puppy was too good for it hahahaha. I'm definitely going to try it out, though! Good luck w/ the rest!!:)

  8. hahahah - this is my new favorite place for a daily laugh! (I would say "not at your expense" but I suppose it is?!) My fave photo app is PicTapGo. It's super easy, you can still use Instagram with it (as well as post to Twitter & FB through it) and I love the filters sooo much! (It will show you what your photo looks like with each filter- like on a whole page- without having to click on it.)

  9. I was just pretend bragging. Penny needs all the help she can get. She was just better behaved than the other dogs in that class hahah!

  10. yay! That made my day! It is OK for you to laugh I laugh at myself on the regular! I will check out that app. My finger hurts from switching between filters all day!

  11. You are too funny!! Literally it's my worst nightmare having a guy be the one to check out Armageddon supplies... I mean I know they know what's going on, but must we?! Also, chocolate, coffee, chocolate, coffee, and more coffee are my go to supplies!

  12. Nashville is always my favorite!

  13. Haha, between the Instagram filters and the Armageddon debacle, this post cracked me up! Also, I too think of Thoreau when I see the Walden filter, and I always think, how very transcendental!

  14. So good! Walden and Nashville... decisions, decisions, decisions! :)

  15. omgosh, I'm dying over here with impending Armageddon. I almost cried at Jamba Juice yesterday...

  16. I don't get too much Armageddon anymore because of my Mirena, and it's literally the best thing ever. Arma, as I like to call it, used to be like a murder scene in my house, and now, my insanity that time of month is far more manageable.

  17. that is the worstttt!!! I can't stand having to buy them anyways, and then for something like that to happen! I think I would have lost it. good for you with keeping your cool!

  18. Right? I think there should be a separate line just of ladies for those things. Give us some service!

  19. Yes! If I want my photo to look particularly individualist or transcendental I always go with Walden !

  20. It is just so dumb, Clearly not your fault!

  21. They are just so great! I wish we could morph them into one Walville, Nashden?

  22. haha! I was like, nevermind i don't need it, except I do so I will endure this trauma!

  23. HAHA! i never have it bad, just hate having to shop for the occasional supplies, ifyaknowwhatimean!

  24. loling at armageddon. that's awful. come on cashier, give a girl a break!

    xo. jenn @ hello, rigby!

  25. I know! Can I get a free pass from EVERYTHING? I can't wait to switch off of birth control with estrogen again. IT seems to make everything worse. When I had implanon I was a happy camper always!

  26. hey i stumbled accress your blog today from living in yellow, and i just have to say that penny is super cute! what breed is she? i have a maltipoo and he looks like he could be penny's brother!

  27. thanks for letting me know that you came from LIY and welcome! Penny is a cavapoo,cavalier spaniel and poodle mix. I have friends with a Maltipoo and they look a lot a like. Such good dogs!
