
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Totally Crushin'

I am linking up with Bonnie over at The Life of Bon for her Throwing It Back Link-up. This week's theme is elementary school crush.

When I hear "elementary school crush" I think of Kimder through 6th grade. If I even tried to talk about jr. high I would probably cause too much drama. It is worth noting that my main focus is K-5th grade. I moved schools in 5th grade and the only boy I liked quit talking to me after I accidentally reached for something in his lap and grabbed the wrong thing, if ya know what I mean. 

5th and 6th grade were also the beginning of my stalker years. Yes folks, I had a stalker in high school. We went to the same school in 5th and 6th grade and in high school he saw me again and fell in love, who could blame him? 

He would follow me around town, have people call him and tell him if I was around, knew my class schedule and wait outside my classes it was all too creepy. Thank goodness he backed of when the next option was police involvement. But I am digressing. You didn't ask me about J's elementary crush you asked about MY crush. So here goes

When I was in kindergarten I had game. I had a little boyfriend named Sean and I would flirt with him in class, bat my eyelashes, blow kisses, make him the dad when we played house, and married him on the playground. We were also Mary and Joseph in the Christmas play. We had a beautiful baby Jesus that was actually my stuffed animal raccoon.

In February of kindergarten I moved to Arizona. I went to the local Seventh Day Adventist school. I wasn't SDA but they were nice and let me learn there for the next 4 years. This was the school I learned to cheat at, was suspended for said cheating, and stepped on and killed a hamster (on accident) all worthy posts for the future. 

As great as SDA school was there was just no crushing there. Sorry, Wyatt, your machine gun sound affects and spit needed to make the sound affect just didn't do it for me. 

As a result I had to look to television and movies for my crusty poo!  Jonathan Taylor Thomas was the one for me.

 I loved this little guy. I would buy any teenybopper magazine he was in: teen beat, tiger beat, Bop. My walls were littered with his poster. My friends and family saw Home Improvement, Man of the House and THE LION KING way too many times. 

At church I would doodle his name on my bulletin. I would even write Erica Taylor Thomas on , because I would naturally assume his middle name when we were wed. 

Then I think JTT died. Ok I actually googled him, he is alive, but he fell off the face of the earth. I will always think of JTT fondly and I am happy that I could share my first or second love with you today. 

Love!  Erica 


  1. I laughed at the stuffed animal raccoon part! And I didn't even know that he was a voice in the Lion King. I'm pretty sure when I was a kid I didn't know that they hired actors to voice cartoon characters...

  2. Loved this. I didn't even think about my celebrity crushes when I wrote my story. I bought all of those magazines all the time too, just to get new pics for my bulletin board.

    New follower :) from the link-up!

  3. Who was your celeb crush. Happy to have you follow and I am following you too. :)

  4. Hahaha oh that raccoon! I also loved Aladin because Steve from Full House was his voice.

  5. That is an awesome story about the raccoon. I'm so glad you are fellow Jonathon Taylor Thomas lover. I even loved that you adopted his middle and last name. That's awesome. Thanks for stopping by the Drastic Fantastic

  6. Ok. Yeah. So...I removed my comment above because I saw a typo and it was going to bug me forever. But now it just looks like I'm one of those creepy, mean comment-makers that mysteriously takes their comment back. I'm not. But whatever. The following is what I meant to post, without the typo. Ahem.

    "HAHAHAHAHA! I love the fact that you googled to see if he was still alive because that's totally something that I have done before. Is it weird that my cartoon crush is Simba? Ok. Yes it is. But what I'm trying to say is that I agree with the JTT thing."

    Phew. Well. Loved the link up. I'll be around. And will try to not leave such long winded comments every time. But...I can't guarantee anything.

  7. Hey girl! I loved the novel you wrote, deleted, and wrote again. By far one of my fav comments ever!
