
Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Happy Part of Growing

After last week's post about how I still act like a kid, Not Necessarily But Yes, Part 2 I relized I actually like growing up.  Yes, sometimes I get bummed that I am a grown up.  I feel like I did not appreciate being a kid or a teenager or a college student when I had the chance.  I am always a little envious when my students go off to college.  I tell them that they are in for the best part of their lives.   I also tell them not to study all the time.  Yes college is for learning and academics, but it is also a time of fun.  

Even though I sometimes wish I could go back to those days for carefree naiveté   I am actually happy that I am where i am in my life.  I have learned more about myself and what makes me happy.  Here are a few reasons I am happy to be growing up. 

My self confidence is astounding

I do not really get that embarrassed about the stupid things I do anymore.  Really everyone does stupid stuff from time to time so own it and move on.  Getting upset about it or defensive is not the way to be.  I have learend that what works for me might now work for everyone else and vise versa.  

I have a friend that lives this out really well.  For his birthday last year he wanted to go to this trampoline place and bounce around like a kid.  Sure people could have thought that was silly, and it was, but it was great fun too. One of my favorite sayings is "you do you."  In other words, do what makes you happy, do what makes you, you.  As Dr. Sesus said:


I buy my own clothes

Yes it stinks paying for my own clothes.  I do not like spending money, but I like that I am the only person who decides or has input into what I wear.  When I was a kid my mom and I would butt heads about what clothes I would wear.  We just have different styles and disagree about what is cute sometimes.  I just buy whatever I want and only care if I like it.  

With this is the fact that I spend money on quality items now.  I like to buy cute clothes but I also want them to last more than a couple of months.  I am so over buying shoes that are not comfortable just because they were $20 and cute.  I am investing in things that are cute but functional too.  Like these little numbers from Sofft Shoes I am pretty sure they are going to be the perfect teacher shoes. 

 I no longer get sunburnt

As a kid I always would forget to wear sunscreen when I was growing up.  I would get one nasty burn each summer and that was it.  I prided myself on the fact that I only was burnt once a year.  Well now I have found the joys of SPF 70.  I have not been burnt once this year and I am still tan.  Grown up me is very proud! 
This is not a paid sponsorship, I just really love this sunscreen. 

 I listen to my body

When i was a teenager i started to get really crazy, intense migraines.  They were really bad.  My body would go numb and I would throw up and have blinding head pain.  I just had to sleep all day to get it to go away.  I was convinced I had a brain tumor and actually asked for cat-scans and MRIs.  I did not have a brain tumor just complex migraines. 

As a teenager my migraines would just sneak up on me and BAM I was down for the count for a day or two.  Over the years I have learned to recognize what my body is telling me. I can tell when I start to get a migraine and take medicine or lock myself away in a room for a few hours.  I have not had a headache like that in years because I have learned how to eat healthier, exercise the right amount of time and take medicine when I need it. 

Really I think I am in the best place in my life.  I still am playful and have fun, but I also am sensible.  Maybe wishing my life away wasn't so bad after all.  However, I now I am in a good time in my life right now and perhaps this is maturity speaking, but I want to be able to appreciate this time in my life without anticipating what might be next.  

I would love to hear what you have learned over the year and reasons you are glad to be growing up.  
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1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting post. Growing older does have its perks I'm starting to realize I don't have to take myself so seriously.
