
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Heavy Heart

I have been thinking about what I could write about today for the last few hours and I honestly could not come up with a topic.  I know that the reason for this is that most of my thoughts have been about my best friend and her family.  On Sunday afternoon her father passed away.  Her father's death came as a shock to the whole family because he did not have any serious medical conditions at the time.  No one thought this could happen and they are broken hearted. 

I have grown close to the whole family and my heart aches for the pain they are experiencing.  They are an incredibly sweet family and have always welcomed me and been kind to me.  They are the family that invited me to join them in Palm Springs this summer and Justina is my "twin" at work.  Everyone was informed at work today of the sad news and we prayed for the family.  Because everyone knows we are close I was asked over and over again what happened.  Everyone has had a way of processing the information and it has affected everyone.

It is hard to think about losing a parent.  I am not comfortable with the fact that I am at the age where our parents my pass away.  It reminds me of a lyric from John Mayer's song Stop This Train, "Don't know how else to say it, I don't want to see my parents go. One generation's length away from fighting life out on my own."  

I do not have anything spectacular to say or anything that seems appropriate to say.  For today I have a heart that aches with the my friend's aching heart.  For today I have hope that we can love and bring comfort to those in pain.  For today I am grateful for my family and friends and remember to share my love with them whenever I can. 

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  1. Praying for you and your sweet friend's family!

  2. Oh wow...that is so heartbreaking.
    Hoping that the Lord showers the family with comfort and peace during this hard time.
