
Monday, September 2, 2013

Bouquets of Newly Sharpened Pencils (It's A Giveaway!)

Labor Day is over and it is now time for fall.  Living in Southern California, fall doesn't really happen until December and then lasts until March and then summer starts again.  At least that is how it feels.  

Around these parts we pretend that it is fall though as soon as the temp dips down to about 80.  Cute boots come out, scarfs are worn as we chug Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and drive north an hour to go apple picking.   Seriously people we do what we can! 

One of my favorite things about fall is that school started again.  As a kid I loved going back to school! One of my favorite parts of going back to school was the back to school shopping.  My mom always bought me a back to school outfit and fresh school supplies, I had a special affenity for Lisa Frank folders and trapper keepers.  

One of the best lines about fall and back to school comes from one of my favorite movies You've Got Mail.  Tom Hanks writes to Meg Ryan that he just loves New York in the fall and he would send her bouquets of newly sharpened pencils if he knew who she was. 

Ever since I heard this line I wanted someone to give me a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils.  It is so quirky and sweet.  I also wanted to live in New York where there are noticeable seasons. 

In honor of fall, back to school, and bouquets of newly sharpened pencils I have a little giveaway for you, $25 gift card to Target for your back to school needs.  Go crazy, buy your new school dress, buy that Lisa Frank folder, or buy me a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils.  

Happy fall and good luck!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My favorite part of fall is the crisp mornings and sweaters!

  2. I love wearing my boots and cozy clothes

  3. My favorite part of Fall is the food!

  4. My favorite part of fall is getting to wear comfy boots and colorful scarves.

  5. EVERYTHING! I love the weather, sweaters, boots, hot coffee...

  6. favorite part about fall is wearing all my long sleeve shirts and sweaters

  7. My favorite part of fall is getting to wear tall boots again! :)

  8. Oh this is such a hard question to answer considering I get giddy at the mention if Fall, but I'm going with the clothes (boots, scarves, leggings...)

  9. I miss all my beautiful jackets and scarves and boots and can't wait to pull them out of storage!

  10. I want to go buy some new jackets now :)

  11. I love a walk on a good crisp morning!

  12. It gets me excited for oscar quality movies...i get tired of all the superheroes in the summer!

    rafflecopter: daniel

  13. Since I live in Florida, we don't really have seasons. Just hot and hotter. But I still pull out my cute boots.

  14. Love going to all the Fall Festivals around here!
