
Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Twin, A Sweet Treat, and Alex Trebek

It is Saturday morning and I woke up ready to write my little heart out.  Isn't it so weird that some days you sit down to write and nothing seems to want to come out.  Then other days you just feel like you have words?  None of the topics I have to write about are particularly connected to one another.  In fact they are just a few random tidbits that I was thinking about.  I do not think any of the topics would work as a stand alone post so I will write about them all together and call it a day. 

I have a twin.  Well no I don't but I almost do.  I love having close friends that sort of look simlar to you so people look at you like maybe they are sisters.  I have had some friends like this over the years.  Laura and I were often mistaken for sisters in college. 

Laura and me at the beach a few years back!
At work I have a friend that is fulfilling this role in my life too.  I cannot even tell you how many times the kids call us each others names.  We decided to mess with them a bit yesterday and wear the same outfit.  It was beautiful. 

I can not tell you how many times the kids told me that I had the same shirt as my friend.  I pretended to be surprised every time. 

I only eat dessert once a month.  Last night I was so tired, just drained from a pretty emotional week.  May is with friends all weekend so I had the house to myself.  I watched TV and ate Cheez its for dinner.  It was beautiful.  I also went to Golden Spoon and enjoyed a frozen yogurt.  Since June I have drastically reduced my sugar intake.  In fact I had gotten to the point where I was only eating one dessert a month.  The last two weeks I have had two desserts, but dang that is good dude.  I just feel so much better when I do not eat desserts which is so sad, but totally worth it to be healthy and happy.   It also makes me appreciate a little sweet treat more.  For example I love a dessert at JT Schmits that has banana in it and is just fluffily and a dream on a plate.  I am already making plans to eat this in October!

I plan to be a contestant on Jeopardy.  I love Jeopardy.  I am convinced that I will be amazing on the show if I ever take the test and try out.  Really it is just a matter of me taking the test and figuring out what story I will tell about myself when I am on the show.  Have you ever noticed that the contestants seem to have the weirdest stories that no one cares about? I feel like they put not thought into their story.  I know when I make it on the show and Alex Trebek asks me who I am I will nail it.  I am sure the clip will go viral and will be the paragon for all Jeopardy contestants in the future.  Now time to figure out what story I will regale him with.  Perhaps the one when my kayak sank in the ocean and I had to be rescued or the time I had to leave high school one day in an ambulance.... oh the possibilities. 

We will meet Mr. Trebeck  Source

Ok I am going to go enjoy a beautiful Saturday in California complete with a free hockey game tonight.  I am beyond excited that hockey season is about to start!  

Dont forget to enter my fall give away!  The entries are low and you have a great chance for some cash money at Target!  My giveaway

I am also excited about Helene's link up this week, songs that define me.  Check out her post and link up next week. Helene's Link Up Announcement 

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1 comment:

  1. New follower! Love your blog! I just nominated you for the Liebster Award :)
