
Monday, November 18, 2013

Miley Ruins Everything I Love

Welcome back from the weekend.  This weekend I had some tragic revelations.  It has become rather apparent to me that the lovely Miley Cyrus is on a mission to destroy everything I love.  

It all started on Friday's post where I let you all know about the hottest and most amazing Anaheim Ducks hockey players you should all be cursing on, read about it here.  While I was looking for hot photos of my guys I googled "Anaheim Ducks Sexy."  There were a lot of picture of the Power Players, the "cheerleaders" for hockey.  As I scrolled for a moment I saw this monstrosity.  

Somehow Miley worked her ways into my hockey team and broke my heart. I then realized that Miley is on a mission to ruin my life.  She has somehow found out about me and hates me.  I am not sure why, but after I present the evidence I am sure you will agree. 
So I present to you:
9 Ways Miley is Ruining My Life. 
Penny The Puppy
 Today I googled "Penny The Puppy" to see what came up.  I was shocked and heartbroken.  MILEY NAMED HER DOG PENNY!!!!  As in Penny Lane. As in my puppy Penny! 

I am sorry Miley, but MY Penny is way cuter than yours, and I think you need to change your dog's name…. Now!

The one and only Penny, get over it Miley!

I have written her a letter of cease and desist.  There can only be one true Penny,
The Hemsworth Family 
So it is no secret that Miley and Liam dated or were engaged or on drugs for a few years.   The only reason I really care about these two is because I love Liam's brother Chris, or as I like to Call Him Thor, and because I like The Hunger Games.  Miley leave the Hemsworth's alone.  Haven't you see the crazy hammer Thor has? 

My Alphabet Sweater
I was recently given a really cute, comfy fall sweater for my birthday.  I hadn't even been able to wear it  yet because I live in California where it is still 90 degrees in November.  I finally wore it this weekend at a basketball game at my Alma Mater. 

I saw this weekend that you were smoking pot in stage during a performance.  As disturbing as this is, it is even more disturbing that you were wearing the opposite of my new sweater.  I mean come on!  I already have a friend who looks like my twin.  I reject you as my new twin. 

Party In The USA
Yes i know this is your song, and all I have to say to that is whatever.  I mean come on!  This was hands down the best song in the world if you needed a crazy party song, afternoon dance party at work, or ring tone.  

The only thing I have to say is praise God Katy Perry recorded Roar and it has helped me cope with the gaping hole Party in the USA has left in my life. 
The Church of The Nazarene 
So rumor had it that Miley went to church during her life.  Not just any church she was a member of the same denomination as me.  The church she apparently went to was just ten minutes away from the one I went to.  She also was considering going to Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. 
Below is the marketing video the university used to entice fresh faced high school students to attend their school. 

Teddy Bears
I might as well just through foam fingers in this one too.  Childhood toys and sports fan's enthusiasm are forever ruined. 
Macklemore's Haircut
I actually didn't love his haircut, but Miley did ruin that cut, and maybe Thrift Shop.  I loved singing the "I got twenty dollars in my pocket!" But now I can't bring myself to do it. 

Wrecking Balls
I had a dream of becoming a wrecking ball operator one day.  Now that dream is dead.
My Students
This may seem like a lie, but it the truth.  The seniors at my school are still mad that I would not let them dance at a school assembly to "We Won't Stop".  Call me crazy, but, it is just not the message a high needs to put out there. If it were Party In the USA I would have let it go. 
I am pretty sure I have presented enough evidence to convinces you that Miley is single handedly trying to ruin my life and everything I hold dear.  
So now that it is clear that Miley has a personal vendetta against me.  Because of this I am begging you Miley to stay away from the following things, I just love them too much. 
The Kardashians

The Real Housewives of any location

Country Rap Music 
Please just stay away from those things. 
*This post was a really hard one to write, due to all the images of Miley I had to look up.  I am not going to take a shower and wash out my eyes for the next two hours. 
You should also go check out Breanna at Sweet Silver Lining and enter her birthday celebration give away.  

 photo 25thBdayBlogBashButton_zpsa84ca7fb.png

Monday (Target): a Rafflecopter giveaway

- Only open to U.S. residents.
- Must reply to e-mail within 48 hours to claim prize or it will be given to someone else.
- If you are not honest with your entries, all of your entries will be deleted. Honesty's the best policy!
- Each giveaway will be open for 3 days, so get your entries in!


  1. Found you through the giveaway and when I saw Mean Girls I knew I had to follow along! Haha! :)
    I'm part of the giveaway team and just wanted to see who all else was participating basically.


  2. I'm really trying to work through loving Liam despite his past. We all make mistakes. I dated people I regret, but I didn't engage myself to them. I might have to find someone new who hasn't had sexi time with Miley. As much as I want to look past it, I can't. We can't. We can't stop. We won't stop.

  3. "I had a dream of becoming a wrecking ball operator one day. Now that dream is dead." I'm sorry she is ruining your life.

  4. Hahaha! This was fantastic! I too, have had my dreams of wrecking ball operating glory dashed. Such a shame.

  5. My favorite section in Target is the makeup

  6. […] So Erica had a blog called So Much Sunshine.  I think that explains most of this, but let me tell you Erica can not make a lasting decision to save her life.  I mean can we remember the time she named me Penny and then was going to change it because of Miley Cyrus? […]
