
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nine Reasons It is Time to Marry Thor

Well friends I realized something very important last night around 1 in the morning while i was clutching my phone with 911 already dialed just waiting to press call - It is time to get married (to Thor).
Last night around midnight I drifting off to sleep and I started to hear really strange noises in my house, well it sounded like they were in my house.  I was already a little nervous because a helicopter was flying overhead earlier that night, and when that happens there is usually someone on the run.  I knew all my doors were locked because I locked them all when I heard the helicopter. However, at midnight all reason seems to go out the locked door. I heard something hitting the wall in my bedroom and then remembered that one of the home inspection guys asked me if I had seen any rats yet.
I wrote about it here ithings not to say to a single girl who owns a home. After a while though I realized it wasn't a rat, or I convinced myself that it wasn't a rat.  I then heard a door close and shake my bedroom wall.  I honestly thought it was my garage door slamming closed and that there was an intruder in my house.
I grabbed my phone and dialed 911 to call if I heard anything else. I pretended to be asleep in case someone came upstairs. I watched a Dateline that said that was a good idea. After a few moments of panic I started to think more clearly.  My dog was sound asleep at the foot of my bed.  If someone was really in the house she would have gotten up and tried to be best friends with them.
Penny's attack pose. Frightening to no one.
My stream of rational thought continued: I have neighbors who share the bedroom wall that was making all the noise (I have never heard a peep from them until last night). I locked all the doors, unless Voldemort was paying me a visit I would have heard a lot more commotion at the door if someone was breaking in.
I talked myself down and fell asleep an hour later. While I was laying in bed I realized it is time to get married.  If I was married to
Thor a man who looked like Thor I would have slept for many more hours last night.
Hello, this man would handle an intruder or a rat in the wall. Where can I find one like him?
I know being married is not about having someone to make sure there isn't a creeper in your garage it is about loving someone more than yourself and making a commitment to another person for the rest of your life.  BUT it is also a little bit about having someone make sure you are not going to get killed in the middle of the night
It got me thinking, what are some other reasons I wouldn't mind getting married soon.  Mind you love is the reason, and these are silly.
1. I have a lot of stuff.  I am really tired of carrying all my stuff up and down stairs whenever I move.  Every time I move I think why am I not dating anyone right now?
2. Someone to do things with.  I had the world's most boring weekend, and that was ok, but now and again it is nice to share boring movie weekends with someone else.
3. I wouldn't have to drive everywhere. I really despise driving.  I know that my future beau will love driving and I can always sit in the passenger seat.
4. Someone else to take Penny out when she wakes up at 4 am.
5. Another person in the house that can cook.  You better believe I want a man who can cook
6. A workout buddy.  There are many times I think about working out of going for a walk and I don't because I am lazy and no one is around to kick my butt.
7. Having the ability to let creepy guys you are not interested.  "Oh that is so cool.  My husband, Thor, really loves Harry Potter too."
8. Someone to make out with (etc.) whenever you feel like it.  I don't think I need to say more about this one.
9.  It will make all my single friends on Facebook question their existence in the world and bum them out hard.
What are some other silly or not so silly reasons it may be time to get married? Also props to my girl Nina for winning my Birthday giveaway.  Go check out her blog The Grand Adventures of Me and say hi.

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