
Friday, January 10, 2014

A Letter After A Date

I went on a date last night.  We have mutual friends who read this blog so I am going to keep this short and nonchalant.

Dear guy I saw last night,

I used my phone to show you a photo of someone.  You may have noticed that my phone case looks like it belongs to a 17-year-old Asian girl.  I like it in its ridiculous cuteness.  I also only spent $5 on it, thus making me even more awesome


My cell phone case is a penguin.  In case you are wondering if other really cute girls use silly phone cases please see Jess from New Girl.  At least my phone didn't have a tail.

Thanks for dinner and for watching the Ducks beat Nashville with me.  Have a lovely day!

Insert Nondescript Closing Here,



PS - Sorry I didn't offer to pay for dinner and have a cute "Oh no I got this" moment with you.  You were a gentleman so I knew you would pay anyway.


  1. hahaha. love it! surely he took the phone case as "this girl has a super good personality...."

  2. That is what my best friend texted me last night too. :)

  3. if he watched hockey with you, he totally deserves a second date! :) hehe

  4. I always thought others phone cases were interesting. You can learn more than you think about people! Yours is cute!

  5. The case you have is super awesome!! and it reads, "you are AWESOME"!! If you need a reference, you know where to find me ;)

  6. Cute phone cover :) And he sounds like a gentleman if he watched hockey with you and paid for dinner!

  7. hahaha this is so cute! i'm totally down with those phone cases, Jess rocks them, so why can't all of us?!


  8. Now you're making me want a phone case like this! Haha! And gentleman definitely pay, I'm a stickler for that one ;) Sounds like a fun night!

  9. I have never offered to pay for a date. Is that seriously expected nowadays? Even now, as an old married hag, I don't reach for my wallet. For me, that's one of the "perks" of being a man.

  10. Wel thank you! Phone cases are the new way I judge people. It used to be shoes.

  11. HA! He likes hockey more than I do! But you might be right.

  12. The more I am like Jess the happier I am with my life

  13. He loves hockey more than I do, but yes indeed a gentleman.

  14. I never assume I am going to pay, i just offer so I don't look like I am using him of his money and dinners. I probably over think things.

  15. aw, that case is adorable! I want the fox one that is similar...So cute. I often wear animals on my clothes and I am neither 16 or asian, so....there you go.

  16. haha! I love it, it makes me feel youthful and fun! Keep being you!

  17. Ha! They are at Target on clearance, or at least they were. :)

  18. […] Actually engage with the material a person has spent a hour or more writing so you will read it.  Just posting “cute” usually gets a “thanks” from me in reply.  While i like that you commented I don’t really know what you thought was cute, although we all know it was Penny.  Part of commenting is building a community that wants to read what you have to say and vice versa.  I love it when a reader writes about something That resonated with them from my post.  It is actually the thing I love the most about blogging, is the dialogue that evolves around sometimes the silliest posts.  […]
