
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Your Puppy Questions Answered

So buying a puppy makes you 13099713% more popular. My friends and family come over all the time now and text me to get more pictures.  As it is now day four with puppy I have received many questions from her fans and I thought it was time to answer them. 
1.  What is her name?
Well her name, as of right now is Penny.  When she is misbehaving I call her Penelope Anne because every dog needs a middle name. 

2. Do you love The Big Bang Theory?
Why the heck would you ask me that? 
3. There is a character on that show named Penny.  Isn't that why you named her Penny?
Oh There is? I had no idea.
4.  Well then why choose Penny?
Oh just a few reasons, The Beatles, Almost Famous, LOST, Happy Endings, my fake Starbucks name to name a few. 
5. How much did she cost?
A pretty penny. 
6. How old is she?
2 months exactly.
7. Where did you get her?
A pet shop. Please stop judging me for not getting a pound puppy.  Oh man remember Pound Puppies.

8.  Is she house trained?
Well I have had her 4 days so clearly yes I have a magic dog who already only poohs outside. 
9. What does she do when you are at work?
I am not sure I am at work. I imagine she has sweet dreams of little dog Thor's and football fields full of grass to play in and eat. 
10.  Can I have her?
Yep.  I bought a dog so you can have her.  Happy Birthday!

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  1. hahaha I can totally identify with this. We got a puppy about a month ago and suddenly I am everyone's favorite Facebook poster and my instagram likes have skyrocketed. There's just no denying how sweet they are, and what people-magnets they seem to be too! :)

  2. Oh I loved pound puppies!! But I feel ya that one for real. One of my old coworkers was like why on earth would you pay for a designer dog?!?! Sorry, my dog, my choice.

    And my guy hates hates hates being alone and I am almost positive that when he is in the kennel and no one is home that he literally just sits there waiting for us so I have contemplated setting up a camera one day.
