
Monday, October 21, 2013


To start this wonderful Monday I want to thank you if you are coming by from Helene's blog!  I hope you like what you see and decide to stay awhile! If you haven't heard of Helene please go over and check out her writing.  She is a wonderful writing with a ton of joy and positivity in each post.

I have no awesome transition so let's just dive on in.  Welp, I did it.   I took the plunge and I own a puppy.  I wasn't planning on getting a puppy this weekend.  In fact I wasn't planning on getting a puppy this year.  I have wanted one for a long time but I figured I needed to wait until the summer to buy one when I was on vacation from work.

Saturday started with me going to a nearby university to find out about a doctoral program in education. By the way it appears I still can pass for a high school student.  When I tried to find out where my information session was they directed me to the undergrad session.  I tried to explain that I actually am looking into getting my doctorate and they did not believe me.  My look young secret: drink lots of water.

After that I went to brunch with my mom.  After brunch I asked her to walk down to the puppy store with me.  Whenever I am in downtown Glendora I visit the puppy store.  It is usually torture because I want to buy them all and I can not.  This time was different.

While we were there I looked in and saw the cutest little puppy.  She was just chilling eating paper.  I went inside and my mom asked me if I wanted to hold her.  Of course I did!  Then I held her and the rest of the day was spent buying puppy stuff and and trying to pick out a name for this little girl!

She is a mix of a Cavalier Charles Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle, otherwise known as a Cavapoo.  How cute is that.  She is already so friendly and easy going.  I have only heard her bark once and her temperament is ideal.  She will play for awhile, run around with her butt bobbing up and down like a bunny, and then crash for an hour.

Last night she slept from 10-4 with out waking me up.  After she went potty outside she went back to sleep until 6.  We woke up then and I took this picture.  How can you be mad at that face?

She is by far the most friendly puppy I have ever seen.  There has been a flood of people over at my house all weekend just to play with her and she has loved it.  Below are photos of her meeting some very important people.

Bonding time with auntie Justina.

She loves her auntie Lauren Graham.... I mean Laura. 
The text I sent to May to get her out of bed this morning. 

May, Puppy, and Gatsby
Even my mom loves her.

It has been non stop crazy here this weekend.  I cannot think of a weekend where more people came over just to hang out.

This little girl is by far the most photographed dog in America right now with hundreds of photos on everyone's phone.  I am still looking for a name for this little one. Please leave your suggesting in the comments below.


  1. AHHHHH cuteness overload. stop. so cute.

  2. She is so adorable!!! Your post just gave me puppy fever all over again!

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