
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shine Bright Sponsor Spotlights

Meet February Sponsors for Erica Jacquline!

I am so excited to introduce you to this month's Shine Bright sponsors.  All of the ladies below have wonderful and diverse blogs.

They all answered the following questions and in order to save some room for their lovely words.  Here are the questions that I asked them:

1. Why do you love blogging?

2. What is your favorite thing to blog about?

3. What is one thing you can not live without?

4. What is your favorite Valentine's Day memory?

Now check them out and show them some love!


Blog - Bloglovin - FacebookMadison

Blog - Bloglovin - Twitter

KellyBlog - Facebook - Pinterest

MeridithBlog - Bloglovin

JaimeBlog -  Instagram - Twitter

In honor of The Olympics, Valentine's Day, Presidents past, or the fact that it is Wednesday I am offering 50% off all ad spots until the end of the Sunday  Use promo code FEBRUARY!



  1. I like the way you're doing your sponsor spotlight Erica! xo

  2. Ashley @ Married to the GameFebruary 12, 2014 at 4:39 AM

    I can't wait to check out all of these bloggers! Thanks for sharing!

    Ashley, Married to the Game

  3. Those are some mighty fancy lookin' women you've got up there-- especially that "You Gotta Have Hart" chick.. my, my, my!! :)

  4. Thanks girl! They all have great things that they blog about!

  5. Love how you did the sponsor spotlight! Fun stuff! =)
