
Monday, February 10, 2014

A Valentine's Fail

I have a rather unfortunate, yet funny Valentine's story to share with you today.

Welp another Tuesday is upon us and I am three days away from a four day weekend! Thank you Presidents!

With Valentine's Day just three days away I was thinking about what I was going to do and what I have done in the past.

Looking back on my little life I have really had eventful Valentine's, but not in the romantic, soul mate kind of way.  Rather in the "did that really happen to me?" kind of a way.

My first Valentine's fail came when I was just a wee little lass in Arizona.  I looked a little like this:


ust kidding I looked a lot like this excepted I didn't wear the arm puffs to school.  This was my photo when I won LIttle Miss Chili Pepper at the Rodeo so I think I was looking my best!

I was a wee little lass and it was Valentine's Day.  I went to a super small school (there were like 13 kids in K-4th grade).  We gave each other cards, I think… I actually have no memory of this, and we went to lunch. I came back to the classroom to get something and I noticed a heart shaped box on my desk.

I was so excited and ran over to see what it was.  I looked for a card to indicate who it was from.

There was no card.  Clearly, I had a secret admirer who loved me so much they bought me a box of Reese's Peanut Butter cups.  I didn't know it then but Peanut Butter cups are totally the bomb diggity.

I was so happy I went around to all my classmates and offered them my prize candy.  I was bragging about my secret lover and basking in the gold tin foil glow of far too many eaten candy wrappers.

And then tragedy hit.  The scene: precious child Erica, empty box of peanut butter cups, a classroom full of 13 children, my teacher and her husband.

My teacher's husband came into the classroom looking for something.  He then asked if anyone saw his box of chocolates that he bought our teacher.  I was still unaware of what happened and I held my box and started to search the room for my teacher's gift.  While I was searching he saw the box he had bought and tried to give it to his wife.  The only problem was that he thought my gift was his box.  That is a lie.  My box was indeed the box he bought for his wife.

It turns out that when he came in to give it to her he just set it down on any old desk and walked out of the room, no card, no heads up, just left a box of candy on a 7 year old girl's desk.  Causing a life time struggle with binge eating Reese's in fears that someone will take them away from me.

This was probably my most eventful Valentine's Day to date… other than that time my friend Laura and I hung out and her car was towed and we were locked out of her house for two hours.  But that is a story for another day.


My first Valentine with a secret admirer was a total bust, but my friend Christina from Route Bliss is not a bust at all.  read about her below and send her a box of candy from a secret admirer for Valentine's Day


Why did you start blogging?

Well, way back in 2001 when I first started blogging, it was a way to keep friends off at college as well as penpals updated on what was going on in my life at the time. Over time, its changed a bit as I now blog less about my personal life and more about the things I love.

Do you have a furry baby? If so tell us about him or her. 

I have one canine companion who answers to Tater and sometimes Bad Dog or Destructo Dog! He's half Beagle and half Blue Heeler and who, despite being a very smart dog who loves when Brown or FedEx come to visit (the drivers give him treats), loves destroying things. Like his house. And a 80+ year old tree I have loved for years that he tunneled under and as a result, is now dying :( I adopted him on March 20, 2010 -- I think he wasn't so sure about this whole 'I have a human of my own now' thing seeing as the next day (the first day of spring), it snowed and I made him pose for photos in that cold white stuff ;-)

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

New Zealand and Iceland. I fell in love with both countries the first time I saw photos of them. There's so many places I want to explore ... but those two are the ones I must see before I take my last breath


What is your favorite way to stay active?

Currently strength training although I need to get back into running after a couple months off. Both are great stress relievers, especially with work being chaotic lately!

You are given a free day and $100 what would you do?

Hmm ... seeing as I'm trying to not spend any money on non essentials this month, that's a hard decision! If it were fall, I'd probably drive to Dallas and go to the State Fair. By the time I paid for parking and admission and bought food tickets to hit up all the deep fried food vendor booths, the $100 would probably be gone!


Where are you from and what is your favorite thing to do there?

I'm from a small town in East Texas that's known for three things -- its the home of the hamburger, the Black Eyed Pea Capital, and our local junior college women's' basketball team has won several NJCAA championships over the years. As for my favorite thing to do here, well, its becoming more of a retirement community (its even 'certified'), so there's not a lot for 20 and 30 somethings to do! I do enjoy spending the occasional weekend afternoon at a local deli hogging their WiFi and slowly eating their yummy salads.

Make sure you follow Christina o Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!


  1. hahaha ohhh no. that's a total fail on his part, i mean, he left them on YOUR desk. stupid. at least you won Little miss chili pepper- winning.

  2. hahahaha that is too funny!

    Ashley, Married to the Game

  3. Yes it was a rather eventful year in my little life. and he was stupid, no one liked him!

  4. Thanks girl! I still think of this moment every time I have a Reese's

  5. oh my gosh hahaha that story is so cute! Glad you at least got to enjoy some of the candy :)

  6. what adult would leave candy on the desk of a child? he was so asking for it!

  7. Yes, thank you for looking on the bright side. I complete forgot that I ate all the candy. It was a win of a day after all.

  8. He was a trip. They ended up getting a divorce, and she and her new husband are some of our closest family friends. I like to think this incident helped lead to her happiness. (or it was just a silly valentines story.)

  9. omygoodness. I would have felt so bad! haha he should have kept the box in his hands

  10. That is a horrible story. I teach first graders and I know there would of been some red faces and maybe a few tears.

  11. I am sure! I don't remember crying, I do remember being embarrassed and sad though.

  12. Yeah I don't remember him being very smart.

  13. Awwwww! This is sad AND funny! But what kind of IDIOT leaves chocolates on a random desk? I mean, c'mon Teacher Husband... get your shit together.

  14. OH EM GEE!!!! That's a horrible first V-day memory! I'm so sad.

  15. oh man, it is just funny! I got over it pretty quickly and it is a fun little memory!

  16. Men ... can't do anything right! Well at least he made the day of one lady, if only briefly before he crushed it!

  17. Oh my goodness how funny! Totally HIS fault!

  18. oh no!! This is hilarious, though. But seriously, he should have left them on her desk, duh!

  19. haha! Well it gave me a great story at least :)

  20. Good call! I was happy as a clam for 10 minutes!

  21. I mean when you think long and hard about it as I have the last 20 years, it was my gift because it was on MY desk. Problem solved!
