
Sunday, February 16, 2014

So You Want to Start A Blog - Before Your First Post

Last week I had the opportunity to talk with a friend about starting her own blog.  She was a little unsure if she should start one, what platform she should use and where she should even begin.  I had so much fun sharing what I have learned over the past year with her.  Then I realized there is so much to know about blogging that I might have overwhelmed her!  I started to write down what I know about starting a blog and the things I wish I knew before I started writing.

Being a teacher, and a former English teacher at that, my brain works in steps and directives.  Knowing that every person is different I acknowledge my way is not necessarily the best way or your way.  With that, it is a way, and a way that I wish I would have taken when I started blogging.

Six things to do before you even write one blog post.

So You Want to Start A Blog Week 1: Erica Jacquline

 Determine Why You Want to Blog

I would actually be really interested to know why most people start blogging.  I am pretty sure they have a friend who does too or they read blogs on their own, maybe they started with celebrity blogs or business blogs.  I started blogging because I had to for my teacher credential program.  We had to write six blog posts about our student teaching experience and share them with our supervisor from the university.  I knew about blogs, but rarely read them unless it was a friend's blog which were usually updated once a month.

After I blogged about those six topics I forgot about blogging.  Then I picked it up again in response to a mission trip I was on that was being blogged about.  I did not want that blog to be the only voice from the trip so I set out to share my voice with others.  I then fell in love with writing and sharing my story with others, but quit again.  Then a year ago I remembered my blog and decided to write a few posts to see if I wanted to pick it up again.  From that point I was hooked and have blogged at least 4 times a week since.

I want to blog because I like it. I like sharing myself with others and letting them learn from me while I learn from them.  I think the bottom line is you need to find a reason you like blogging or writing.  If you do not like it you will not stay with it.

Ask For Help

As I mentioned above I am sure most new bloggers have at least one friend they know who blogs.  If not I am even more sure that they read a blog.  No matter what type of blogs you read there are real people behind the screen that are willing, and usually love, to help others.  Do not be intimidated or afraid to ask for help.

Last Wednesday I had an incredible bloggy evening.  I was a part of Erin and Helene's Happy hour hangout deal with Katie from The Florkens and all of the ladies were super kind and a treasure chest of information about blogging.  They shared what they knew about being successful and seemed happy to help others be successful too.

That night I had another Skype date about blogging.  This time with Shelby from The Shelby Lens.  I have known Shelby for like five or six years and used to work in the youth group while she as in high school. She emailed me and asked if I would talk to her about blogging.  Of course I said yes and I had a great time telling her all the reasons she should start.  I might have even said "Everyone should start a blog!"

All that to say, bloggers usually love blogging and love sharing what they know with others, duh, I am writing this post for crying out loud!  Don't be shy send an email or a tweet.  The worst that could happen is they can not do it and then you can move on and ask someone else.  If you want help or want to ask some questions you can email me at or tweet me  @ericajacquline.

Read Lots Of Blogs

So this one is not very sophisticated in the title, but it is so important.  In order to know what kind of blog you want to write it is important to know what is out there already.  Do you want to write the exact same thing as someone else?  NO.  Can you write on the same topics but bring a fresh spin, heck yes!  There are so many different ways to be a blogger, but it is helpful to know what is out there already and what you are going to do to let your voice be heard amongst the thousands who are doing the same thing you are.

Choose a Blog Name 

I don't know why but this was so hard for me!  I swear this is the third name this blog has had and I am sticking with it even if I hate it.  I actually liked my old name So Much Sunshine, but it was easily hacked and used for other blogs and apparently girls in their 20s that live in cold areas like to have Sunshine in their title.  Maybe it makes them feel warmer, I don't know… You can actually read about my most recent blog name change here.

My advice for you while choosing a name, take a few days with it.  Don't just type the first thing that comes to your head because it will be in your url for a while.  Brainstorm a list of names and then try some google searches to see if there are already blogs or websites that have that name or something similar.  I was playing with "Becoming Erica" for a while, but then I googled it and there was a TV show called that.  No matter how big my blog got I would be competing with that show in google searches forever.

Try and find something unique that you can live with or just use your first and middle name, apparently that works for some people.

If you are worried that your blog name sounds cheesy, don't worry it does.  I think apart from a body of blog posts almost all blog names sound cheesy.  Just own it, go with it and don't apologize for doing what you like.

Also check to make sure the url you are creating is simple and makes sense with your blog.  When i first started was taken.  So what did I do?  I made my url  Confusing and hard to explain what it was when people asked about it.  Put some thought into this one, it will stay with you until you go to GoDaddy and buy your domain name.

Choose a Platform 

So there are many blogging platforms out there that you can choose from.  I am not going to bore you with which one to pic because you can do a google search and find like 2323523y4923 articles on it (is there a y in that number?  Yes there is).

Instead I am just going to tell you to start with Blogger.  It is free, it is easy to use, you can reply to comments through email (that is huge when you are first starting out), it comes with a little community already with other Blogger bloggers, and it is easy to export if you ever want to move to self hosted like  Give that some time though.  If you are not going to stick with blogging do not dish out the money to move to a self hosted blog.  You can read my views on that topic here.

Also do not start a Tumblr if you want a "professional" blog.  You are not 13 anymore and you probably do not want 13 year olds readers being your only audience, and if you do I see a Dateline episode in your future.

Write a mission statement for your blog

I actually did not do this until two weeks ago after Erin from Living in Yellow mentioned how helpful it was in that hangout I mentioned above.

A mission does not have to be a crazy long thesis or manifesto.  Rather, take a few moments and think what do I want my blog to be about and what do I want people to gain after reading my blog.

Your mission can evolve and grow as you as a writer evolve and grow, but it is good to have a purpose when you sit down to blog.  If you do not have a purpose I think you will get tired of blogging very quickly.  Maybe I am wrong, but the blogs I love the most are written with a clear voice and mission.

My blog mission is threefold: to find joy throughout my life, to write about what brings me joy, encourage others to find joy in their life and share it with others.

Does that always happen when I blog?  I do not think so, but it has totally transformed the way I see my life unfold before me.  An incident of getting a little dog poop in a neighbor child turned in to an all out laughing-stock when I thought of how I could share it with you, which you can read here if you feel like it.

No matter what you do have fun with it.  I really do believe that everyone should blog.  Everyone can determine what they want to blog about and how much time they want to invest in their blog.  One of the things I love most is your blog is whatever you want it to be.

If you are just starting a blog or are thinking about it but feel like you are so far behind remember that every blog started out like yours.

Come back next week for another post on what to do once you start your blog.

Also if you are so inclined here is some info for my friends who just started blogs this month. They are already sharing some great stories.  My friend Kati is blogging over at Embraced and my friend Shelby is blogging at The Shelby Lens.

For all you bloggers out there what would you add to this list or change?  What is something you wish someone told you when you first started blogging?


  1. This is such great advice! Even for people who already have a blog like me, I know some of these things I need to think about again. (Ex. my blog mission) I also have a friend who wants to start a mommy/craft blog so I sent her the link to your post!

  2. Love all of your advice, even as someone who has been blogging for a bit, I found some things that I need to take a look at on my own blog after reading this. I like your comment about blog names...mine stemmed off of my etsy shop and I have been going back and forth for awhile about changing it, but decided just to keep it and have fun with it. Like you said, most blog names sound a little cheesy, so it is what it is! =)

  3. Thank you that is very kind of you to send the link. Hope it helps her out!

  4. I like it! It is true I can not think of a blog name that when you say it by it self doesn't sound just a little cheesy!

  5. this is great advice! & very true! so glad i stumbled across your blog! its super cute and I will definitely be back! newest follower here =]

    xo, Kelsey Belle || Happie Reading Blog

  6. this is so great erica! especially agree about reading other blogs. it really helps give you more direction!

  7. Ashley @ Married to the GameFebruary 17, 2014 at 2:24 AM

    These are all great tips. I'm pretty new to blogging and one of the things that I would tell new bloggers is that it is very easy to get overwhelmed in the beginning, but hang in there because you will get into the swing of things.

    Ashley, Married to the Game

  8. Thanks girl! I am so happy you stopped by and I am excited to read your blog now too :)

  9. It is true! I remember getting lost in my blog for hours when I first started trying to find out about templates etc. It absolutely does get better!

  10. Absolutely! I think a lot of people start out thinking the are the only one blogging it is so helpful to read what else is out there and how you can stand out on your own too.

  11. Oh my gosh, I can't thank you enough for this post. It was exactly what I needed to hear today. I don't know why it's hard for me to ask for help! I think most of the time I don't want to feel like I'm bothering anyone but it's so nice to be reminded that everyone started the same way, and yes- what's the worst that could happen? They say no? (I have certainly heard that word before) Thank you for the encouragement and tips! Patience is something I'm learning through this beginning experience :) :) XO!

  12. I feel like some days I spend more time reading other blogs than writing myself. Just looking at other people's layouts, all the comments they get and amazing content just makes me want to work harder

  13. It just takes time and determination. It is hard to get your content out there and you really have to be the one pushing it which can be awkward, but I can tell you I have found it to be totally worth it. Keep going day by day!

  14. I know I did today! I loving hearing what others have to say and interacting with them.

  15. oh blog names. So so difficult.

  16. This is great advice! Now if you could please post about inspiration and some blogging ideas!!!

  17. Great ideas. I agree with you on pretty much everything except for reading others blogs. Well I guess you can read others blogs but it gets overwhelming when you start and you find all the bigger blogs with the best layouts and all these views that you try to live up to that and you are never satisfied with your layout etc..always wanting the next best thing. I'm rambling and maybe it was just me...I'll hush now. Sorry.HA!

  18. I know dang it! Why was Seventeen already taken?

  19. I have faith in you. Sparkeles and Shoes had a good post on this this last week.

  20. I agree. It is easy to get discouraged when you see other bloggers. I think it is good to read some though to know what is out there and what the people with "big blogs" are doing to get to that level… if that is what want.

  21. I'm totally checking it out! Thanks :)

  22. All of this is so true! I need to write a mission statement, I'm 6 months in and sometimes still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. Just found your blog & love it :)

  23. Thanks so much for stopping by and for following! I will stop by your blog tonight too! I haven't been at it for too long just a year and I enjoy sharing what I have learned with others.

  24. Tumblr was a bad idea

  25. Thanks so much for the advice! Started blogging a few months ago and still trying to get the hang of it!

  26. […] everyone.  I loved all the feedback I received from my post yesterday about starting a blog. Thank you so much for your kind words and different perspectives on the […]

  27. Oh Jesse! if you have an audience on Tumblr then awesome! I tried it a few years ago and was overwhelmed at how old I felt! Too many memes from romantic comedies for me.

  28. That is awesome! It took my about 7 months to feel good about blogging and confident in what I was doing. I am excited to look at your blog later today! Thanks for reading.

  29. Ha! I think Wordpress is right where I belong for now.

  30. ha! I didn't think you were on tumblr! I think a Dateline Lebanon edition would be cool though.

  31. Ha!

    So, when I first tried my hand at this whole blogging thing I made some pretty bad platform choices.

    First, I started with Weebly, (b/c that's what my church was using for its websites), but it was so awful and awkward for a blog that I wanted to go somewhere else.

    Then I went with Tumblr b/c all the kids and younger folks at the church were on it. However, I dropped it after a short while because, as you mention, I am neither a teen girl nor do I wish to end up on dateline.

    Third, I went to Blogger but haven't been very happy with it either, especially since "Into the Noise" was already taken.

    Eventually, I moved to the Middle East and started blogging for IMES and I am currently quite happy with Wordpress (as well as life in general). My post is up this week, btw, so check it out if you so desire.

    However, now that my profile is slightly more public, (an article of mine is getting some serious publishing traction), I may try to start up the whole personal blogging thing again.

    But, we'll see how that goes. I wouldn't hold your breath, ha.

    Peace friend and happy blogging.


  33. […] 1 – Before you write your first word  Week 2 - Basic Blog […]
