
Monday, February 17, 2014

Penny's Prerogative

Hey everyone.  I loved all the feedback I received from my post yesterday about starting a blog. Thank you so much for your kind words and different perspectives on the topic.

I am here really quickly to tell you about the best idea woman I know. Well this week she was great, we will see how she holds up during the rest of the Olympics.  Her name is Madi and she blogs over at And So I Did.

Here are two examples of her great ideas at work:

1. She bought a BBQ grill for her husband for Valentine's Day.  Maybe you haven't figured out why this is so great yet…. HE has to cook for her that way!  Genius I tell you. Genius.

2. She suggested Penny write a post explaining all the weird searches that lead the fine folks of the internet to my blog.  Penny liked this idea so I am going to pry her off the chair she is chewing on so she can write out today's post.

I present to you Penny's Prerogative, a post in which Penny the Puppy explains the google searches that lead to my blog.

Penny's Prerogative: Erica Jacquline

Hi friends! It's me, Penny the Puppy taking over Erica's blog again.  Sometimes when she looks at the results for searches that lead to her blog she becomes confused and then won't throw the ball for me.  I decided this was just too complicated for her small brain to process so I would let her sit back and watch some Olympic Figure Skating while I solve the riddles of the search queries and then make her throw my Penny-sized tennis ball for two more hours.

1. Guys tank top at school

I am pretty sure this search was about why guys should wear tank tops to school and the searcher was not looking for Erica's Tank Top Rules for Men.  I will tell you why guys should wear tank tops to school, so I can bite their tiny muscly arms better.  Please keep it up and ignore everything Erica tells you. No sleeves, more bites.

2. At what point do I become middle aged

On any line AC the midpoint is B.

3. Blow up floaties

Is this a Lars and The Real Girl google search, cause that movie is amazing! Well that is what Erica says at least.  Frankly,  blow up floaties sound like things I can chew on when no one is looking.

4. Somuchsunshine Erica Blog

So Erica had a blog called So Much Sunshine.  I think that explains most of this, but let me tell you Erica can not make a lasting decision to save her life.  I mean can we remember the time she named me Penny and then was going to change it because of Miley Cyrus?

5. What does the Jason Aldean mean when he sings When She Says Baby?

It is a song Jason wrote for me, Penny. I have touched the hearts of a whole nation.

6. Throwback birthday cake

Why would anyone throwback birthday cake? Was cake thrown to begin with?  Was it bad cake?  Did the baker forget to put in enough dog treats?

7. Super Bowl monkey memes

I now want to find a Super Bowl monkey meme because I sure have not seen one on the blog here. Give me a minute I will be right back.

After some very important investigative work this is the first image that you get when you perform said google search.  Clearly, Erica is in the photo to the right.

8. Drunk people jokes

Drunk people are jokes.

9. Will this matter a year from now?

It depends on what "this" is.  If this is having a baby, then yes it could matter a year from now.  If this is not feeding me dinner they you bet your sweet butt it will mater a year from now.  I keep a list of people who have done me wrong on the inside of my doggie den.  A cavapoo never forgets.

That is all I feel like I have the authority to clear up today.  I am sure in another month or so I will have to come back here and do this again.

Until Next Month,

Penny the Puppy


PS- Before I go I want you to say hi to my new friend Danielle from Allusional.  She is really fun and blogs about funny topics like Bros and very important serious topics like those who have fought cancer in her life.


Do you have a fur baby? If so tell us about him. 

I do have a fur baby! His name is griffin! He's a Jack Russell, Daschund, Beagle mix we adopted 3.5 years ago. He's such a good snuggle buddy! (He's in one of the photos of me I sent).


What do you like to blog about?

I like to blog about whatever pops into my head. Sometimes it's silly and sarcastic, and sometimes its more serious and meaningful. I usually just sit down and read quotes or things on the internet until something strikes me and I start writing and see what comes of it.

Where are you from and what do you like most about your hometown?

I am from a suburb outside Chicago- for people who aren't from Illinois I just say I live 45 minutes outside the city. My favorite thing to do would be to go downtown and try out a new restaurant and go to a bar or comedy club or some type of show after. I am such a foodie and love to check out new places!

What is your favorite book, TV show, Movie?

My favorite book is "The Five People You Meet in Heaven", favorite TV show right now is probably Chicago Fire (it's cool to see all these places I know in a TV show) or Murder shows like "Cold Case Files", "Snapped", or "Dateline". Haha- I promise I'm not plotting anything! And my favorite movie right now would probably be the new Great Gatsby that just came out. That book is in my top 5 favorites and I thought they did a really good job at modernizing it but still keeping true to the storyline and making it feel classic. Plus, who doesn't love staring at Leo the whole time?!?

What is your favorite line from a movie?

My favorite line(s) from a movie (sorry, it's hard to pick just one!) would probably be the iconic line in Gone with the Wind- "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." And "60% of the time it works everytime" or "Well that escalated quickly" both from Anchorman. They're just so useful in daily life! Haha.

gone with the wind-2

Tell us about your most embarrassing moment. 

My most embarrassing moment would probably be when I was 13 or 14 years old my dad was nominated for this award and we all had to dress up really fancy and go to this awards ceremony. It was held in ABC Tower downtown in the studio that was used for the taping of The Jenny Jones show. Were walking down the stairs towards the stage to get to our seats and I tripped over the front of my too-long-for-me dress and tumbled down about 6 or 8 stairs in front of about 200+ people. The people close enough to me got all panicky and asked if I was ok, while my whole family was trying to help me up. I just wanted to crawl into a hole!!! I think back on it and laugh pretty hard, wishing it was on tape for my review!

You can find more amazing stories on Danielle's Blog, Bloglovin, Twitter, and Facebook.


  1. I love Penny's prerogatives:) Hilarious! I agree that Lars and the Real Girl is an amazing movie:) Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I'm glad you did, because I'm so excited to follow yours along! Hope you're having a great day!

  2. Thanks for sharing by brief moments of genius! ;) Haha! I love when Penny takes over. I love her attitude... It's so-Penny! Before you bite their little arms, Penny, be sure to ask "Do you even lift?!" just for entertainments sake.

  3. Not that I don't like your posts - but I LOVE Penny's posts. Maybe it's because I am a crazy dog lady?! LOL Great post!

  4. I love finding new blogs and becoming bloggy friends! Thanks for stopping by! Penny says thanks too and that you are cool for liking Lars.

  5. Penny should probably start her own blog. I am just afraid she would have more followers than me without even trying!

  6. HA! love it! I think I like writing with Penny's voice because she can be sassy and people think it is cute. If I were saying these things it would be weird man.

  7. Yay! Thanks for the nice post!
    (PS- I LOVE when people's dogs post for them, always cracks me up!)

    Danielle @ Allusional

  8. "It is a song that Jason wrote for me" oh, man, you had me laughing out loud at that one!

  9. Thanks for sponsoring! I love dog posts too :)

  10. I am telling you Penny has such a big head! I am amazed we both fit in my bed. It didn't help that Jason Aldean wrote that song for her.

  11. haha this is great. it's amazing the weird/random searches that lead people to our blogs.

  12. haha i love this!! Penny would get along great with Hugo and Millie.

  13. Very true. I usually just laugh at them, I am glad they served a purpose today!

  14. Hehe. Her only requirement for friendship is that the dog be at least three times her size. Which H and M are. They are ready friends.

  15. […] over at Erica Jacqueline did a lovely feature about me in her post yesterday, which you should check out if you haven’t […]
