
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Drama At Sugar Stream

I have become the neighbor to hate at Sugar Stream.

Warning: This post is not about getting sucked into the addiction that is Candy Crush!  It is actually about my condo community called Sugar Stream.  No that is not the real name of my condo association, #stalkers.  All I will tell you is that it is equally as Candy Crushesk and people laugh when they hear it.

This post is about the drama that I have been through the last week as a resident of Sugar Stream.

Other titles I considered for this post: Get Off My Lawn!  I Need Wide Open Spaces, The Poop Smelled Round The World.

It is official Penny and I are "those neighbors" of Sugar Stream.  You know the kind, we are the neighbors that you hate because the dog barks, or we play our music too loud, or we get dog poop all over you.  Totally normal right?

I think that question you are asking and the one I have asked myself is "How did Penny and I arrive at this point?"  I can not trace it to one particular incident (lies! I can totally trace it to one incident filled with poop).  I can just present the facts to you and you can determine for yourself when and why I am not the post popular neighbor at Sugar Station, I mean Stream.

 The Poop

In case you are new to Erica Jacquline or just decided to read this particular post because you thought it would help you get more lives for Candy Crush, Penny had a terrible incident with a young man and her poop.  I welcome you to read about it here.

The Letter

In the above mentioned post I feared Penny's poop ended up on said child's leg.  A few days later I came to find out this was completely true when I checked my mail and found this note inside.


The Pain

I had many mixed emotions about this letter.  First, I was mortified that yep, I got dog poop on a kid.  Then, I wanted to move and never face them again.  Then, I reread the note and I was angry.  This lady totally exaggerated what happened and was rude and demanding.  Finally, I could laugh about it because of all the lies and funny moments I have pulled from the incident.

The Lies

The first sentence is funny.  Like I just let my dog wander around Sugar Stream?  It isn't the AMC phone for crying out loud it is a dog.  I hold her leash tightly, sometimes when you are mid-poop clean up and your dog bolts you lose your grip out of surprise.  I also had a friend say that this mom needs to keep a tight leash on her son.  It made me laugh

From here the letter is pure hilarity.  "Your dog got crap all over my son's leg."  I actually saw how much "crap" I got on your son's leg it was a smudge.  Potato, Potato though I guess.  (That saying sure doesn't work in type.

Also I did not make you late for school.  On that particular day I went in to work late because I had my annual eye check up.  I slept in until 8:30 and took Penny out shortly after we woke up.  You then were leaving for school after 8:30.  What middle school starts after 8:30?  NONE!  You were already late and wanted to pin it on me.  Well too bad I teach and have too much time on my hands to figure out your shenanigans.

My favorite line is "Don't let it happen again."  Why do people say this?  It isn't like I plot at home how I can get Penny's pooh to infect unsuspecting kids and then laugh evilly when we get home.  What if it does happen again?  Are you going to chase me down and rub my nose in her poop?  Accidents happen.  Life goes on.  I will continue to have a tight leash on my dog.

The Conclusion 

I think it is pretty clear it is time to move on from Sugar Stream and find new residence at Chocolate Lake or Sugar Plumb Central.  I also think that none of these issues would have happened if I didn't live in Southern California where there is no room to breath around your neighbors.  We need open spaces and room to move around.


OK now it is time introduce you to a real Warrior Queen who would probably make quick work of my neighbors. Raewyn blogs over at Be a A Warrior Queen.  She is too is from Southern California where it is raining for the first time in forever and is a teacher too.  Make sure you read her answers below.  She is funny, compassionate, and fierce.


Where are you from and what is your favorite thing to do there?

I am from Southern California and there are so many things that are my favorite! I truly believe that I was made to live in California - moving out of state leaves me in a funk. My favorite activity is dirtbiking with my family and my fiance. We go out to the sand dunes and camp - riding our quads, dirtbikes, sand rails and driving my offroading truck around!

Who is the most important person in your life and why?

The most important person in my life is no longer with us. My cousin Gregory died after beating cancer right before his 10th birthday. He was the strongest and happiest person I ever met, and the thought of him guides me through each and every day.

What is your go to jam that makes you want to dance a hole in your floor?

Ke$ha. If I need to get pumped up, I put her on and I am dancing and grooving and ready to be the life of the party.


What is your favorite Book, TV show, Movie?

Why Men Love Bitches is one of my top books. It is actually the book that started the Warrior Queen movement when I was in high school.

What is your favorite line from a movie?

"You can't change the world, but you can make a dent." - Death to Smoochy

You are given a free day and $100 what would you do?

If I had a day with no responsibilities, I would probably start out my day giving back in some way - maybe a beach clean up or a #DoGood52Ways activity. I would then take my fiance to lunch, spend the afternoon at the beach and finish up the night at a concert with my best friends! (Pop-punk always rules my heart).


 Who was your childhood celebrity crush?

I had the BIGGEST crush on Kenny G. I know that's unconventional. My uncle is his percussionist and I used to go to his shows as a child. When I was 3, I stood on a chair backstage and shouted KENNY G I LOVE YOU! Needless to say, I was crushed as a 6 year old when I found out he was married and had a baby.

Now go over to her blog, bloglovin, Facebook, and Twitter and follow the crap outta her!

Also don't forget about the most amazing weekend link up since Abe Lincoln's presidency!

 The Grand Adventure of Me


  1. Oh no!! I would have been so mad, too, if I had gotten a note like that...but would probably laugh the more I thought about it. And so middle schools start after 8:30! We live in a small townhome neighborhood and there is always so much drama going on between neighbors, especially ones with dogs. Luckily, I haven't been apart of it...could be because we don't have a dog. =)

  2. I can't help but laugh at this post! So funny. I agree with you. I think she totally exaggerated it all for sure. I too have the dog that is the barker. I'm not even mad, it's what they do, so get over it! Lol. I don't know what school could start so late either. And don't get it happen again...that really had me going. Apparently, this woman thinks you really are trying to figure out ways to get poop on her child. Hilarious!

    Sweet Southern Sparkle

  3. Not gonna lie, when I saw that photo on Instagram I laughed so hard that I spewed my coffee out all over the person in front of me as I was walking to class. Okay all of that was a lie, but I felt like laughing and crying for you at the same time. Secondly, you should just write "Sorry" in Penny's poop on the lady's driveway. I know, I have great ideas for vandalism.

  4. HA! GIRL! I probably would have marched right on over to her apartment. I mean seriously! What a jerk!

  5. Seriously.. this is SO funny! The fact that she took time out of her precious schedule to write you a note just kills me-- and I love that you caught onto the whole lie about being late for school. You are so on top of things!

  6. I have def come to find out that not everyone loves a cute puppy. Those people clearly do not have a heart, but I can be kind and understand. I actually wrote her a really long apology note too. Haven't heard a peep from them since.

  7. You know we are ll doing the best we can, sometimes we make mistakes. I would like to meet someone who would purposely get poop on a child. I think that would be quite a fun blog post.

  8. Ha! your lie was a good one and I hope it happens for real one day!
    Second you have quite the criminal mind there! I just wrote the world's longest apology note, in ink not poop, never heard back.

  9. HA! You have to wake up pretty early to pull one over on me. Which she did not wake up early cause they were late for school.

  10. hahaha! I am so not confrontational. I was a little worried about writing it here even, but I think it is funny so I had to share!

  11. I love how it's like Armageddon here in So Cal because it finally sprinkled!!! I would smear crap all over door 1414... but that's just me ;)

  12. Yeah, that last line is what got me, "Don't let it happen again". Bee please! You should write a note back saying, "Shiz happens."

  13. Wonderful point. In fact it happened ALL OVER her son's leg!

  14. So they did leave a note! Hmmm. You should leave one right back. No j/k. But the nerve of them.

  15. haha! I wrote an apology note. I am nice deep down.

  16. I can't believe that note!! People are so funny - why in the world would they think you intentionally did it?

    I had neighbors leave me a note once, two days before we moved out they left one saying we were being too loud after 11pm. We had fallen asleep at 8:30 every night that week...silly neighbors!

    Thanks for sharing my interview!! <3

  17. HAHAHA!!! That is too funny! I guess people will always find something to complain about. even if they have to make it up.
